Page 12 - Shimadzu EZ Test
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EZ Test Speci cations                                                                                                     Options

                                                                             EZ Test                                                   Tester Options
                                                     EZ-SX                   EZ-LX                EZ-LX HS
                                                    Max. 500 N              Max. 5 kN             Max. 2 kN                                                Jog Controller                                     Safety Cover
                                                                                                                                                           346-55922-01                                       EZ-SX: 346-57107-01
                    Tester Load Capacity  (note 1)  The load cell type can be selected from 9 types:   The load cell type can be selected from 12 types: 1 N, 2 N, 5 N, 10 N,   The jog dial is provided to allow  nger-tip   EZ-LX: 346-57107-02
                                          1 N, 2 N, 5 N, 10 N, 20 N, 50 N, 100 N, 200 N, or 500 N.  20 N, 50 N, 100 N, 200 N, 500 N, 1 kN, 2 kN or 5 kN. (Up to 2 kN for EZ-LX HS)  operation of the crosshead position.  This is used to prevent injury when sample
                                                                                                                                                                                                              fragments are scattered due to fracture.
                       Load Method                      High-precision constant-speed strain measurement using backlash-free ball screw drive
                                                           ±0.5% of indicated value (within 1/500 to 1/1 of load cell rated capacity)
                           High-Precision Type  (note 2)
                                                      Conforms to JIS B 7721 class 0.5, ISO 7500-1 class 0.5, EN 10002-2 grade 0.5, and ASTM E4.
                                                            ±1% of indicated value (within 1/500 to 1/1 of load cell rated capacity)                       Control I/O Expansion Box                          Analog Recorder
             Test Force Measurement  Standard-Precision Type  (note 2)                                                                                     346-55920-01
                                                       Conforms to JIS B 7721 class 1, ISO 7500-1 class 1, EN 10002-2 grade 1, and ASTM E4.                Increases the number of control I/O ports to       X-T type: 346-59210-01
                                Range                                   1 range (rangeless)                                                                four. Multiple optional accessories can be         Plots test force - time curves.
                            Test Force Calibration                Automatic calibration using calibration cable                                            simultaneously connected to the control I/O        X-YT type: 346-51736-01
                                                                                                                                                           ports.                                             Plots test force – time curves and test force –
                    Crosshead Speed Range               0.001 to 1000 mm/min                  0.001 to 2000 mm/min
                                                                                                                                                                                                              stroke curves.
                    Maximum Return Speed                  1500 mm/min                            3000 mm/min
                  Crosshead Speed Accuracy  (Note 3)                  Within ±0.1% of test speed
               Crosshead Speed and Allowable Test Force          Up to the capacity of the load cell at all speeds                                         Sensor I/O Expansion Box                           Power Cable
                                                                                                                                                           346-55920-02                                       For EU (VDE standard)
             Distance Between Crosshead and Jig Mounting Surface  500 mm         920 mm                                                                    Increases the number of tester sensor I/O          348-34063-03
                                                                             700 mm (5 kN load cell + 5 kN screw type  at grips)                           ports to two. Multiple optional accessories
                     Maximum Grip Space     395 mm (500 N max. load cell + tensile jig)  755 mm (1 kN load cell + 1 kN screw type  at grips)               can be simultaneously connected to the             For China (GB standard)
                                                                                                                                                           sensor I/O ports. BNC cables can be
                                                                                860 mm (500 N max. load cell + tensile jig)                                connected to the analog I/O ports.                 For Japan and North America (UL, CSA, PSE standards)
                     Depth of Test Space                               100 mm (table section)                                                                                                                 348-34063-01 is provided as standard.
              Crosshead Position  Measurement & Display    Optical encoder measurement, digital display (display resolution: 1 µm)    A variety of other options are also available. For details, refer to the separate catalog "Optional Accessories for Autograph".
                 Detection     Accuracy                       ±0.1% of indicated value or ±0.01 mm, whichever is greater
                      Crosshead Control        Single test control (single-direction tension or compression test), cycle test control (repetitive tension or compression test)
                      Sampling Speed                       1 ms max. (TRAPEZIUM X/TRAPEZIUM LITE X is needed for this function)
                                                                   Constant test force (creep) control  (note 4)                       Additional Load Cell Kits
                                                 Auto-stop and auto-return functions when specimen fracture is detected (crosshead auto home-position return)
                                                             Test condition  le function, adjustable crosshead speed function         Select a load cell kit if load cells are to be added to the tester unit kit. The additional load cell kit comprises a cell set (load cell and
                                                            Display function: Actual test force display or stress display (set by user)  calibration cable), cell bolt (if required), and upper joint jig (if required).
                                                              Crosshead displacement display in mm or %/GL (set by user)
                   Standard Functions Included                       Peak point test force and stroke                                 LOAD CELL SET (Load cell, calibration cable and calibration)
                                                    Test force and displacement analog output: 0 V to 5 V DC full scale, respectively (for external recorder)
                                                                         USB interface                                                                                                                   EZ-LX
                                                                  Manual crosshead position  ne adjustment                                CLASS          EZ-TEST        -                                  EZ-LX HS
                                                                        Adjustable controller                                                                                 -                               EZ-SX
                                                                         Touch load alarm                                                                 P/N          5 kN  2 kN  1 kN  500 N  200 N  100 N  50 N  20 N  10 N  5 N  2 N  1 N
                    Dimensions and Weight    W400 × D530 × H885 mm, approx. 33 kg  W400 × D530 × H1315 mm, approx. 55 kg                   1           346-55939-XX     10   14    9     13   12    07    06   05    04   03    02    01
                  Input Power Supply Voltage  (Note 5)    Single phase, 100 V to 150 V AC, 50/60 Hz, or 200V to 230V AC, 50/60 Hz          0.5         346-55942-XX     10   14    9     13   12    07    06   05    04   03    02    01
                      Power Capacity                 700 VA                              850 VA
                                                            Temperature: 5°C to 40°C, Humidity: 20% to 80% (no condensation)
                Installation Environmental Conditions
                                                        Power voltage  uctuation: within ±10%, Vibration: 10 Hz max., Amplitude: 5  m max.
            Note 1: When the load cell capacity is smaller than the tester load capacity, the former is the maximum test force.        Thermostatic Chamber                               Installation Space
            Note 2: Shimadzu recommends inspection at an installation site that meets the requirements speci ed in these standards.
            Note 3: Crosshead speed accuracy is calculated from the crosshead displacement within a prescribed time at a constant speed between 0.5 mm/min and 500 mm/min.  Allows testing within an ambient
            Note 4: The test force is kept constant at 70% or less of the tester load capacity, for up to 12 hours.                                                                                                           (unit: mm)
            Note 5: Ground resistance should be 100   or less.                                                                        temperature range of -70°C to 250°C.                                     Wall surface
                                                                                                                                      Thermostatic chambers are available only
                                                                                                                                      for EZ-L type testers.                                                 Power supply input
                                                                                                                                       The chambers are special-order items. For                 Anti-topple attachment   (710 mm above  oor)  600  Worktable
                                                                                                                                                                                                             (When a worktable of
                                                                                                                                                                                                 (included in the tester
                                                                                                                                      details, please make a separate inquiry.                   unit kit)   height 650 mm is used)  (optional)

                                                                                                                                       Other Options                                                    250
                                                                                                                                          Description      P/N              Remarks                     125
                                                                                                                                          Worktable     340-48580-02     Worktable for EZ Test             38
                                                                                                                                                                                                      600        400       485
                                                                                                                                                        346-55037-12  Secures the tester unit to the worktable.
                                                                                                                                       Anti-topple attachment                                                    420       475
                                                                                                                                         for EZ-SX/EZ-LX  346-55037-11  Secures the tester unit to the worktable,
                                                                                                                                                                        or the worktable to the  oor.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Note: A similar installation space is required for both EZ-SX and EZ-LX.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              EZ Test
      12                                                                                                                                                                                                               Table-Top Universal Testing Instruments  13
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