Page 9 - Shimadzu EZ Test
P. 9

Evaluating Plastics and Rubbers

 Tensile Test on Rubber Dumbbells  Piercing Test on FIlm  Tensile Test on Fibers  Friction Modulus Measurement
 In this example, a rubber dumbbell was tensile-tested using pneumatic  at grips. These   This jig makes it possible to measure the piercing strength   This jig includes capstans to grip thread, cords, and other   This test device measures the friction between plastic  lms
 grips are able to use air pressure to grip specimens with a constant force, which makes it   needed to puncture various  lm materials, such as those used   narrow  brous samples so that an initial tension force can   or between plastics and other materials. Both static and
 possible to securely grip rubber and other specimens that decrease in thickness as   in retort (boil-in-bag) pouches. Test samples are cut into circles   be applied and breakage can be prevented at the chuck.   dynamic frictional forces can be measured seamlessly.
 tension is applied. Using an DSES-1000 extensometer allows elongation to be accurately   about 20 mm in diameter for testing.  Samples are gripped pneumatically.
 measured all the way up to the breaking point.
 DSES-1000 is compliant with various rubber tensile testing standards.

 JIS K6251:2010   JIS K6272:2003
 ISO 37:201   ISO5893:2002
 ASTMD412-06a  GB/T528-2009

                 Boil-in-bag piercing stand    • 1 kN pneumatic capstan type grips for yarn      Friction modulus measurement jig
                 Upper jig                         Adapter for AGS series jig ø16
                 Lower jig

              Peeling Test on Adhesive Tape     Tensile Test on O-ring            Compression Test on Springs
            The sample table slides in sync with the upper grip   The O-ring is hooked onto rollers, which rotate during tensile   The compression strength of springs can be measured by
            movement to maintain a 90° peeling angle. The peeling   testing. Tests conforming to JIS K6251,  JIS K7312, ISO 37, and   compressing the spring between upper and lower compression
            test jig is compliant with JIS Z0237 and JIS Z1528.  ASTM D412 standards can be performed.  plates. The lower compression plate is designed so that  ne
                                                                                adjustments can be made to the parallelism of the plates.

 • 1 kN screw-type flat grips
 • Long travel extensometer for soft specimens DSES-1000

 Tensile Test on Film  Tensile Test on Plastic  Bending Test on Plastic
 In this example,  lm was tensile-tested using grips intended   In this example, a tensile test was performed on a plastic   In this example, a 3-point bending test jig is used to test   • Adhesive tape peeling test device  • 1 kN roller-type grips      Spring test jigs
 for foil. These grips have a special grip face that reduces the   sample using 5 kN non-shift wedge-type grips. The grip   the bending of a plastic sample. This 3-point bending
 breakage of  lm and copper foil samples at the chuck   faces move horizontally to tighten their grip on the sample   test jig for plastics was designed to meet JIS, ISO, and
 during testing. When used in combination with a TRViewX   without moving in the vertical direction. This makes it easy   ASTM standards and allows testing for any thickness
 non-contact digital video extensometer, elongation and   to set the distance between grips and minimize any vertical   within the scope of the standards by changing the
 lateral displacement can be accurately measured, which   test forces acting on the specimen during the initial   support set.
 means the modulus of elasticity can also be calculated.  tightening. When a tensile test force is applied, it causes the   It also includes a jig for setting the distance between   Evaluating Electrical and Electronic Parts
 wedges to hold the sample securely. Furthermore, the user   supports and checking whether the punch and supports
 can comply with ISO standards by using an SSG-H   are parallel, which makes it easy to adjust the test jig.
 strain-guage-type one-touch extensometer.
              45˚ Peel Test on Surface Mounted Devices  Shear Test on Electronic Components  Cyclic Bending Test on Printed Circuit Board
            This test jig set is used to measure the peel strength of   This test jig set is used to press vertically on components to   This test jig is for cyclic bending tests of printed circuit
            electronic parts, particularly the pins on IC chips.   measure their shear strength.   boards. It allows observation of  uctuations in resistance in
                                                                                response to cyclic loads, as well as other properties. It
                                                                                enables repeatable tests of the thermal expansion and
                                                                                contraction of solder.

 • 1 kN grips for foil  • 5kN manual non-shift wedge-type grips      Plastic three-point bending jig      Peeling test jig set      IC pin test jig  • Printed circuit board cyclic bending test jig
 • Video-type non-contact extensometer TRView X series  • Strain-gauge-type one-touch extensometer SSG-H series

                                                                                                    EZ Test
 8                                                                                           Table-Top Universal Testing Instruments  9
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