Page 17 - Shimadzu EZ Test
P. 17

Jig Part Number List

 *1 :  52  An upper adapter jig is necessary   *2 :  53  A lower adapter jig is necessary   *3 :  51  A jig platform is necessary

 Application Jigs
 Toothed pushrod  Volodkevich bite jig  Lipstick test jig set    Kamaboko test set
 Capacity  : 500 N  Capacity  : 500 N  Capacity: 500 N         Capacity: 500 N
 Punch width : 30 mm  Upper and lower teeth width: 10 mm
 30          Lipstick test jig set  346-52294-01  *2
 30  ø30  Volodkevich bite jig set  346-57805  *1  *3
 Angle 60°  Angle 60°  Item list  Horizontal lipstick holder  346-52022-01
                     Toothed pushrod B, 1 pc  346-51814-02
 Toothed pushrod A  Toothed pushrod B  Toothed pushrod C  Lower compression plate
 Toothed pushrod set  346-52285-01  Blade shear jig                ø7           ø25
 Toothed pushrod B  346-51814-02  Spreading jig                Spherical press jig dia. 7 mm  Sample forming jig  Upper compression plate  Lower compression plate
 Item list  Toothed pushrod C  346-51815-02  Capacity  : 500 N  Blade
 : W70 mm T3 mm
 Blade size
 Lower compression plate dia. 118 mm  346-51687-12  Blade guide width: 66 mm  Blade Guide  Capacity  : 50 N  Kamaboko test set  346-52286-01  *1
            Conical press jigs : 90° angle
 Toothed pushrod A (flat end face)  346-52258-02  Blade shear jig set   346-57807  *3  Sample cup  : 90°  Spherical press jig dia. 7 mm, 1 pc  346-52252-03
                                                                        Sample forming jig 1 pc
 Toothed pushrod B (60° cut end face)  346-51814-02  (60° cut end face, 3 mm thick, with blade)  Spreading jig   Item list  Upper compression plate dia. 20 mm, 1 pc  346-51687-08
 Toothed pushrod B (60° cut end face)  346-51815-02  (with 5 sample containers)  346-57810  *1  *3  Lower compression plate dia. 118 mm, 1 pc  346-51687-12
             Additional sample container, 5 pcs  346-57810-01
 Individual Blade Part Numbers
 A : Flat end face, 3 mm thick  348-38521
 Cutting force test jig  B : Round end face (R1.5), 3 mm thick  348-38523  Universal-design food test set
 C : 60° cut end face, 3 mm thick  346-58522-03  Snack breaking test jig set
 Capacity  : 500 N                                             Capacity  : 500 N
 Punch width  : 30 mm  D : 45° cut end face, 3 mm thick  348-38522-01  Capacity  : 500 N  Applicable : For testing foods intended for people with difficulty swallowing,
 Punch angle  : 60°  E : 30° cut end face, 3 mm thick  348-38522-02  Cyrinder base  : ø40 mm t5 mm  standard    based on the notification issued by the Japanese Consumer Affairs Agency
 Base width  : 30 mm  30  30  F : 90° V-cut flat end face  348-38524-01  Spherical press jig : ø8    Test about "universal design foods” advocated by the Japan Care
 Base V-groove angle  : 60°  Angle 60°  Angle 60°  G : 60° V-cut flat end face  348-38524-03    Food Conference
 H : 45° V-cut flat end face  348-38524-02  Snack break test jig set
 346-51817-01  (with 8 mm dia. spherical press jig)  346-57809  *3  Plunger  : ø20 mm  H8 mm
 Cutting force test jig                                        Sample cup : ø40 mm  H15 mm
 346-51817-02  *1  *2
                                                                Nursing care foods testing set
 Cutting force test jig-01 Cutting force test jig-02                                    346-57825
                                                                (with 10 sample cups (H15))
                                                                Additional sample cups (H15)  346-57825-11
              Base for food elasticity test
 Wedge-type bite                                                Additional sample cups (H20)  346-57825-12
 A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  Capacity  : 500 N
 Capacity  : 500 N  Spherical press jig  : ø8 mm
 Wedge width: 40 mm  40 mm  Base hole diameter  : ø12 mm            ø40 mm     ø40 mm
 Wedge-type bite jig (30° tip, 40 mm wide)  346-57812  *3  Base for food elasticity test  346-52275-02  *2  H15 mm  H20 mm
 Wedge-type bite jig (45° tip, 40 mm wide)  346-57812-01  *3
 Wedge-type bite jig (60° tip, 40 mm wide)  346-57812-02  *3  Three-point bending test jig
 Capacity: 500 N
              Tortilla break test set                            Gelatinous sample strength evaluation set
                                                    hole dia.
 Wire cutter  Capacity  : 500 N                                Capacity  : 100 N
            Spherical press jig : ø20 mm                       Applicable standard: JIS K6503
 Capacity  : 5 N                                               Glass Bottle  : Internal diameter ø60 mm
 Effective test width : 80 mm  Punch  Support  Distance between  P/N  Plunger  : ø12. 7 (ø1/2”)
 Wire diameter  : ø0.32 mm (SS Wire)  Radius × Width  Radius × Width  support  Tortilla break test set, 80 mm dia. hole  346-57814  *3  60 mm
 R0.1 mm × 80 mm  R0.1 mm × 80 mm  1 mm to 99 mm  346-57820-01  *3  Tortilla break test set, 60 mm dia. hole  346-57814-01  *3  Gelatinous sample strength evaluation set
 Wire cutter (upper)   346-57817                                (with 10 glass bottles)  346-57824  *1  *3
 R0.1 mm × 15 mm  R0.1 mm × 80 mm  1 mm to 99 mm  346-57820-02  *3  Tortilla break test set, 40 mm dia. hole  346-57814-02  *3
 R1 mm × 80 mm  R1 mm × 80 mm  2 mm to 99 mm  346-57820-03  *3
 80 mm
 R2.5 mm × 80 mm  R2.5 mm × 80 mm  5 mm to 95 mm  346-57820-04  *3
 Cutting stress test jig                                         Kramer shear cell
              Gum break shearing test table
 Capacity  : 5 N  Lower bending test jig                       Capacity  : 500 N
 Wire diameter : ø0. 32 mm  Capacity: 500 N                    Cell internal size: W63 mm × D68 mm × H84 mm
 Jig size  : Effective test width: 26 mm  Capacity  : 500 N
   Base size: W15 mm × L60 mm  Groove depth: 4 mm  Distance between supports : 40 to 60 mm
 Support width  : R0. 2 mm
 Cutting stress test jig  346-52268-01  *1  *2  Support radius  : 26 mm  Flat support type  V-cut support type  Gum break shearing test table  346-52274-01  *2
                                                                Kramer shear cell, 5-blade type  346-57808-01  *3
 Lower bending test jig (JIS S6005)                             Kramer shear cell, 10-blade type  346-57808-02  *3
 Flat support type  346-51818-01
 Lower bending test jig
 Razor blade cutting jig  (V-cut support type)  346-51818-02  *2
 Capacity  : 500 N
 Effective test width : 32 mm
 Base width  : 30 mm                                             Mini Kramer shear cell / Ottawa cell set
 Bending test jig set  346-52290-01
 346-51816-01  Toothed pushrod B, 1 pc  346-51814-08           Capacity  : 500 N
 Razor blade cutting jig  Item list                            Cell internal size:      33 mm × H44 mm
 346-51816-02  *1  *2  Lower bending test jig  346-51818-01
                                                                Mini Kramer shear cell / Ottawa cell set  346-57811  *3
                                                                                                    EZ Test
 16                                                                                          Table-Top Universal Testing Instruments  17
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