Page 20 - Shimadzu EPMA-8050G
P. 20

Sample Rotation Stage Kit                                                                                          Other Options

                     The sample rotation stage kit is an optional system that enables using the                                          ˔ Collection Of EPMA Spectrum
                     sample stage as a 4-axis stage, moveable in X, Y, Z, and R-axis directions, by                                     This is a collection of qualitative spectrum data measured on standard samples of metals and compounds of
                     attaching a computer controlled sample stage equipped with a rotating                                              76 elements. When analyzing qualitative analysis results of samples containing trace elements or complex
                     mechanism (sample rotation stage) to the EPMA-8050G sample stage. This                                             elements, you can make complex judgment by comparing actual spectra with them.
                     allows using the computer screen operations to rotate the sample in any
                     direction desired for observation and analysis.                                                                     ˔ Analysis PC Set
                                                                                                                                        This is an analysis operating PC that is necessary to the computer system of EPMA. If this option is not
                                                                                                                                        chosen, please prepare PC that meets the requirements for the system before the installation.
                                                                                                                                         ˔ External PC/External PC Software
                                                                                                                                        This is a PC on which EPMA analytical software is installed or EPMA analytical software (if installed on a PC
                     ˔  Features                                                                                                        provided by the customer) for data processing.
                     Allows displaying a stage map that            Since X–Y coordinate control is linked to                            By connecting the external PC to the host PC via a network, you can view the analysis data of the host PC,
                     changes depending on rotation angle.          rotation angle, rotation angle can be controlled                     download and analyze the analysis data of the host PC, and upload the analyzed analysis data to the host PC.
                                                                   without missing any observation angles*.                              ˔ Air Compressor
                                              Displays current                      Rotated                                             EPMA-8050G uses separate compressed air for air valve drive and air damper drive.
                                              rotation angle                        by 45                                               If necessary, order a separate compressor for each.
                                                                                                                                         ˔ Cooling Water Circulation Unit
                                                                                                                                        This is a cooling water circulation device with low vibration and excellent temperature stability for cooling the
                                                                                                                                        electron optical system of EPMA-8050G.
                                                                   * When an optical microscope image  The position prior to             ˔ Ion Pump Backup Power Supply
                                                                      or an SEM image with the same  rotation can be observed
                                                                      field of view (magnification rate  near the center of the field   This is a backup power supply for the ion pumps to automatically continue vacuum evacuation of electron
                                                                                          of view
                                                                      of 250) is viewed                                                 gun when power supply to EPMA is stopped or power outage occurs.
                      Rotation angle control window  Stage map reflecting
                                            rotation angle
                                                                                                                                         ˔ Interface for EDS detector
                                                                                                                                        This is an interface module that is required when an EDS (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy) system is
                     The stage can be rotated to orient any specified  Rotation angles are recorded along with stage                    installed on EPMA. With control from the EDS system, the beam of the EPMA can be scanned to obtain SEM
                                                                                                                                        image. In addition, if the EDS system can output an X-ray signal, EPMA can capture that signal in a mapping
                     line on the observation image horizontally or  coordinates, and can be used for positional                         or line analysis.
                     vertically.                                   conditions in respective analysis modes.
                                                                                  Additionally displays
                                                                                  rotation angle value
                                      Start                                                                                               Special Accessories (By Separate Arrangement)
                                                                                                                                         ˔ Sample Holders                       ˔ X-Ray Generation Indicator Lamp
                                                                                                                                         ˔ Large Specimen Stage (L Stage)       ˔ Emergency Machinery Stop Button
                                                                                                                                         ˔ Cathodoluminescence Spectrometer ˔ Transfer Vessel

                        Specify line to         Specified line is
                        make horizontal         now horizontal
                                                                                        Displays analysis point
                                                                                        reflecting rotation
                                                                                        angle on map

                     Six samples of 1-inch diameter can be placed simultaneously
                     using the multi-sample stage and sample holders included.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Electron Probe Microanalyzer
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