Page 11 - Shimadzu EPMA-1720 Series
P. 11

When the analysis is complete,                       Select the data in the data
                        the system switches to the data                      browser to generate the report.
                        analysis environment.

                 • During the analysis, the acquired data appears in
                   real time in the data list window.                 • In the data browser window, drag the data onto
                                                                       the template.

                                      Data processing icons

                 • When the analysis is complete, the data list
                   window acts as the data analysis window.           • The analysis report is automatically generated
                 • Click the required data processing icons to         using the set data layout.
                   perform the data analysis.

                                                                                           EPMA-1720 Series
                                                                                                   Electron Probe Microanalyzer  11
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16