Page 9 - Shimadzu EPMA-1720 Series
P. 9

Fully Exploits the Performance of the

            High-Brightness Electron Source CeB 6

            The CeB 6  cathode provides a bright, easily handled electron source.
            EPMA-1720HT fully exploits the properties of the CeB6 cathode to achieve high
            spatial resolution that is stable over long periods.
            * EPMA-1720T is for a tungsten  lament only; EPMA-1720HT is for both a tungsten  lament and CeB 6  cathode.

            SEM Observation                                    Mapping Analysis

                                      Image of Tin Balls                        Analysis of solder
                                  Magnification: 10,000×               Element: Pb; region 14 × 14 ˆm

                Differences Between Work Functions of CeB 6  and LaB 6
                                                               Since CeB 6 has a smaller work function than LaB 6,
                         LaB6                                  it offers the excellent characteristic of producing
             Work function (eV)  2.5  CeB6                     highlybright emissions at lower temperatures.

                      1500   1600   1700   1800  1900
                             Temperature (K)

               Comparison of Evaporation Rates of CeB 6  and LaB 6
                  10 −7                                        When CeB 6 is heated, it has a signi­cantly lower
                                                               evaporation rate than LaB 6; as a result, the CeB 6
                         CeB6                                  has a longer service life.
                 Evaporation rate g/cm 2 ·sec  10 −9  LaB6

                       LaB 6  optimal
                       temperature  CeB 6  optimal temperature
                  10 −10
                                        Heating temperature (K)

                                                                                           EPMA-1720 Series
                                                                                                   Electron Probe Microanalyzer  9
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14