Page 5 - Shimadzu EPMA-1720 Series
P. 5


                               Line analysis identi es changes in     State analysis indicates the chemical
                               element content                        binding status of the elements

                               Quantitative analysis identi es the    Calibration curve analysis identi es
                               concentrations of the content elements  the trace element concentrations

                               Wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometers offer highly accurate analysis
                          Wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometer  Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer
                          (WDS) spectrum                         (EDS) spectrum

                          Due to high wavelength resolution and few overlapping peaks, WDS offers accurate evaluation
                          of elements. Since it also offers a high S/N ratio, it is able to detect trace levels of elements.

                                                                               EPMA-1720 Series
                                                                                        Electron Probe Microanalyzer  5

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