Page 7 - Shimadzu Axis Supra+
P. 7

         The AXIS Supra  is configured with the Minibeam 4,    cluster ions. A unique capability of the Minibeam 6 to generate
         high flux Ar  monatomic ion source or the          20 keV Ar n +  cluster ions has allowed the successful etching of
         Minibeam 6 Ar n +  gas cluster ion source (GCIS).    inorganic materials such as titanium dioxide with significantly less
         Both ion sources are fully integrated into the ESCApe   ion induced chemical damage.
         acquisition software for sputter cleaning or depth profile
         experiments. Gas handling is fully automated for sputter   Where cluster ion depth profiling is not required the Minibeam 4
         profiling and includes pump/purge sequences to facilitate   ion source is supplied. This ion source operates with continuously
         changing to Helium gas for ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS).   variable beam energies between 500 eV and 4 keV. The design
                                                            produces a high ion flux at low energy for improved interface
         The Minibeam 6 is a multi-mode ion source which can operate   resolution whilst retaining a high sputter rate.
         in Ar n +  cluster mode and Ar / He  monatomic ion mode as
         required. Recent development of gas cluster ion sources has   •   Choice of monatomic or multi-mode gas cluster ion sources.
         opened up the possibility of depth profiling organic materials   •   Automated gas introduction and pressure regulation.
         with retention of chemistry throughout the profile. Depth
         profiles through complex multi-layer materials such as organic   •   Both sources capable of operating with He  ions for optional
         LEDs and flexible electronic devices are now possible with Ar n +    ISS mode.

         Sputter depth profile survey spectra (left) and elemental concentration as a function of etch time (right) through a PZT/Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si multilayer
         sample using 20 keV Ar 500  ions.
         The AXIS Supra  has complete automation of sample    Automation also includes the X-ray source and monochromator
         handling which sets it apart from any other         mirror so that calibration and switching between Al Ka and optional
         spectrometer. Auto sample exchange at the end of    Ag La excitation sources is completely computer controlled.
         an experiment allows continuous operation. Unprecedented    Furthermore, continued optimised performance is ensured by the
         levels of automation extend to routine maintenance aspects    motorised multi-position anode.
         such as computer controlled bake-out and subsequent
         degassing of filaments.

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