Page 6 - Shimadzu Axis Supra+
P. 6

                                                                       A                     B
           To guarantee high sample throughput, up to 3 sample holders may be
           placed on the Flexi-lock sample magazine. An optical image is acquired
           of each sample holder from which the sample analysis positions are
           identified during the automated ‘pump’ cycle. An acquisition method is   75mm
           chosen defining all requirements for the data acquisition. A method may
           define simple spectroscopy or more complex experiments such as sputter
           depth profiling or angle-resolved XPS. Subsequent analysis from samples   32mm
           on different sample holders can be added to the analysis queue with the
           automated sample handling system exchanging the sample holder to   C              D
           progress through the analysis queue.

           Key attributes of AXIS Supra  automated sample handling:
           •   Automated, unattended sample holder exchange.
           •  High throughput, rapid sample analysis.
           •  Ideal for a multi-User environment.
           •   Sample mounting area up to 7200 mm  (2400 mm  x3 sample   AXIS Supra  sample holders: (A) Dual height sample holder.
             holders) with maximum sample thickness 19 mm (when using dual   (B) Combination sample holder, including 15mm diameter stub for
             height sample holder).                              use with accessories. (C) Azimuthal rotation sample holder. (D) Heat
                                                                 and cool sample holder.
         Optional excitation sources include an achromatic    Sample preparation and surface modification options can be
         Al/Mg X-ray source, improved Helium discharge        accommodated on the introduction chamber, also known as
         lamp for ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy      Flexi-lock. These options include sample heat and cool, air sensitive
         (UPS) and a high energy Ag La monochromated          sample transporter, broad spot ion source, crystal clever and glove
         X-ray source. Addition of a field-emission electron source adds    box. A third chamber can be configured to provide a dedicated UHV
         Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), scanning Auger mapping   environment for surface science studies. Typical configuration equips
         (SAM) and secondary electron microscopy (SEM) capability to the   this chamber with a manual stage and optional characterisation
         instrument. These additional techniques are coincident with the   techniques including low energy electron diffraction (LEED), inverse
         XPS analysis position giving complementary insight to the sample.   photoemission spectroscopy (IPES), quadrupole secondary ion mass
         Importantly addition of these techniques does not compromise the   spectrometry (SIMS).
         market leading XPS performance.
                                                                                PET   PMMA     Nylon6  PEEK

          A                              B            elem

                                 2.5nm Si  N    Si N 4
                     Si N
           Counts per second  SiO 2  Si Substrate Counts per second  SiO 2  Normalised (arb. units)
                                 2nm HfO
                                 1nm SiO

          107 105 103 101  99  97  95  93  108  105  102  99  96  93     20        15       10       5        0
                  Binding Energy / eV          Binding Energy / eV                    Binding energy (eV)

         Si 2p spectra acquired from thin film multilayer sample (courtesy of IMEC)   He II excited UPS valence band spectra of four common
         shown in the schematic figure using (A) monochromated Al Ka radiation and (B)   polymers.
         monochromated Ag La. The greater information depth of the Ag La excited Si 2p
         spectrum is demonstrated by the larger Si elemental substrate component.
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