Page 4 - Shimadzu Axis Supra+
P. 4


         ES300 photoelectron spectrometer and associated
         control units circa 1975.

         In 1969 Kratos, then AEI,
         introduced the first commercially-available
         electron spectrometer, the ES100. The wide
         range of possible applications included catalysis   2
         study, corrosion research, structural organic
         chemistry and ceramics technology. The ES-
         series of spectrometers proved popular and                                        3
         established Kratos’ position as a leader in
         surface analysis instrumentation. Developments
         led to the XSAM instruments of the 1980’s and
         then in the 1990’s, the AXIS series.
         Fifty years later the commitment to improve                               1   Spherical mirror analyser
         and develop our spectrometers still drives the
         company. The AXIS Supra  is the culmination                               2   Hemispherical analyser
         of that innovation and is the finest automated,
         imaging X-ray photoelectron spectrometer                                  3   Delay-line detector
         currently available today.                4
                                                                                   4   Electrostatic lens

                                                                                   5   Selected area aperture drive

                                                                                   6   Octopole scan plates
                                                   6                               7   Variable iris drive

                                                                                   8   Charge neutraliser

                                                                                   9   Magnetic lens

                      Fi y Years                                                  The patented AXIS technologies of
                      of XPS                       7                              magnetic and electrostatic lenses ensure
                                                                                  high electron collection efficiency in
                                                                                  spectroscopy mode and low aberrations
                                                   8                              at high magnifications in parallel imaging
         THE AXIS SUPRA : IMAGING X-RAY                                           mode. The unique combined high
         PHOTOELECTRON SPECTROMETER                                               transmission hemispherical and spherical
                                                                                  mirror analysers guarantee outstanding
         COMBINING EASE OF USE WITH                                               spectroscopic and parallel imaging
         STATE-OF-THE-ART PERFORMANCE.                                            performance.

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