Page 3 - Shimadzu Axis Supra+
P. 3

                                The fundamental requirement of any spectrometer is the
                                best possible energy resolution. High energy resolution,
                                where the spectrometer does not contribute to the
                                broadening of the photoemission peaks, is critical for the
                                accurate measurement of small chemical shifts. The AXIS
                                Supra  has a large 500 mm Rowland circle monochromated
                                Al Ka X-ray source and optimised electron optics ensuring
                                excellent chemical resolution.

                                Advantages of high spectral energy resolution
                                                                                                  FWHM = 0.4 eV
                                •   Unambiguous identification of chemical shifts.

                                •   Guaranteed energy resolution on insulating and
                                  conducting samples.

                                                         Si 2p region from native oxide on Si substrate acquired from large area with high
                                                         energy resolution.

                                SMALL SPOT, SELECTED AREA SPECTROSCOPY
                                Improvement of the AXIS Supra  small spot performance guarantees high sensitivity in small spot mode
                                by optimising X-ray illumination of the sample with the analysis area selected. An optional brite-X
                                monochromatic source can be specified for applications that require extremely high sensitivity performance
                                from small selected areas.
                                Key selected area spectroscopy attributes include:
                                •   Pre-defined small spot analysis areas.
                                •   Optimised X-ray illumination for improved selected area performance.
                                •   Automated aperture and iris in the electrostatic lens column to form a virtual probe at the sample surface.

                                •   Selected area spectra can be acquired using either the monochromatic or achromatic X-ray sources.
                                •   μ-boost acquisition mode for extremely high sensitivity at small area mode (option).

              To watch on
               click here.
                                XPS image used to define
                                position for 27μm selected area
                                survey spectra.

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