Page 6 - Kubota - 6200
P. 6

Table of Rotors, Buckets and Tube Racks for Model 6200


                                                                                              Flow cytometry
                                                                 1.5mlTube  tube-4  tube-6-1 tube-6-2 tube-6-3  tube-7-3  tube-9
                                                         36 x      72 x     80 x   5ml    5ml    5ml     tube-7-2  24 x 8mL CPT cell  80 x 10mL  68 x 10mL blood collection  28 x 5〜10mL blood collection 48 x 5〜10mL blood collection 48 x 5〜10mL blood collection  16 x 15mL  28 x 15mL  28 x 15mL  32 x 15mL  4 x 50 mL  8 x 50 mL  12 x 50 mL
                                                                                       68 x 5〜7mL
                                                                                       7ml    7ml
                         Nominal Capacity                                                 7ml                    10ml
                                                        1.5/2mL  1.5/2mL  1.5/2mL  thin blood collection tube  preparation tube  (glass)  tube/15mL (glass)  tube/15mL (glass)  tube/15mL (glass)  tube/15mL (glass)  conical tube  conical tube  conical tube  conical tube  (glass)  (glass)  (glass)
                         Tube size (mm)  diam. x length       9.5〜11×36〜42          12〜13.7×62〜110  13.5〜15.8×81〜130  12〜13.8×65〜95  15〜17.2×52〜110  12〜17.2×72〜110  12〜16.8×72〜110  17×121                       27〜36.4×85〜110
             Swinging    Maximum Speed  rpm              4,800    4,000    3,500         3,500        3,500     3,500       3,500      4,800     4,000    3,500     4,800     3,500     4,000     3,500     4,800     3,500     4,000
           bucket rotor
                         Maximum RCF  x g                4,250    3,040    2,290         2,300        2,310     2,080       2,300      4,150     2,970    2,300     4,280     2,300     3,060     2,330     4,150     2,330     2,990
                                   Tube Rack, Adaptor Code No.            055-4800  Bucket Code No. Adaptor Code No.  055-6900  055-4740  Bucket Code No.  055-0880         Bucket Code No.      055-4780            055-4760
                       SF-724                                                      053-5840  055-0260                      053-5840                                          053-5840
                       Max 3,500rpm         Bucket Code No.
                       Max 2,380×g          053-5820      —        —                     *9      *1       *2                           —         —                   —                   —                   —                   —
                                            Buckets are
                                            optional.                                         055-0260
                       Autoclavable*                                        055-4800  053-5840         055-6900  055-4740
                                   Tube Rack, Adaptor Code No.  055-1190                                                             055-1140                      055-1160                                055-1150
                       Max 4,800rpm         Sealing caps and O-rings
                       Max 4,300×g          Code No.055-0964       —        —            —             —         —           —                   —         —                   —         —         —                   —         —
                                            Buckets are
                                            equipped with rotor.
                       Autoclavable*  Sealing caps are optional.
                                   Tube Rack, Adaptor Code No.   055-0770                                                                      055-0730                                055-0750                                055-0740
                       Max 4,000rpm  Buckets and Sealing caps are
                       Max 3,080×g  equipped with rotor.  —                 —            —             —         —           —         —                   —         —         —                   —         —         —


                                                                                          tube-22-1  tube-22-2  tube-12  tube-14
                                                                                                             4 x 175/225mL
                                                        4 x 50 mL  12 x 50 mL  16 x 50 mL  100ml  100ml      175ml      225ml       4 x 175/200/225mL  4 x 250mL  4 x 250mL  4 x 250mL  4 x 500mL  4 x Self-standing   Self-standing for sputum  Self-standing for sputum
                                                                                            4 x 100mL
                         Nominal Capacity                        50ml
                                                       conical tube conical tube conical tube  (glass)        conical tube     conical tube      *7        *7        *7        *8      for sputum  ×4   ×8    ×12    ×8    ×12    ×16
                         Tube size (mm)  diam. x length          30×117                      38〜46.5×113〜120  61×118/61×137  61×118/61×130/61×137     60〜62×100〜134.4        85×135   cap sizeφ48  cap sizeφ48 cap sizeφ37 cap sizeφ31 cap sizeφ48 cap sizeφ37 cap sizeφ31
             Swinging    Maximum Speed  rpm              4,800    4,000    3,500    3,500    4,800    4,000     4,800       3,500      4,000     3,500    4,800     4,000     4,000     4,800          4,000               3,500
           bucket rotor
                         Maximum RCF  x g                4,250    3,040    2,330    2,330    4,250    2,970     4,250       2,330      3,080     2,380    4,300     3,080     3,080     4,250          3,020        2,250  2,290  2,300
                                   Tube Rack, Adaptor Code No.            055-6070  055-4770                               055-4850            055-4850                                                             055-0430  055-0440  055-0450
                       Max 3,500rpm         Bucket Code No.
                       Max 2,380×g          053-5820      —        —                          —        —         —                     —                   —         —         —         —              —
                                            Buckets are
                       Autoclavable*                                       055-6070P  055-4770
                                   Tube Rack, Adaptor Code No.  055-1170                    055-1200                                                                                   055-1210
                       Max 4,800rpm         Sealing caps and O-rings
                       Max 4,300×g          Code No.055-0964       —        —        —                 —         *4,6        —         —         —       can be used  —        —                        —                   —
                                            Buckets are                                                                                                without adaptors
                                            equipped with rotor.
                       Autoclavable*  Sealing caps are optional.  055-1170                    055-1200
                                   Tube Rack, Adaptor Code No.   055-0760                            055-1180                        055-0780                      055-0780                     055-0810  055-0800  055-0790
                       Max 4,000rpm  Buckets and Sealing caps are                                                                                                            can be used
                       Max 3,080×g  equipped with rotor.  —                 —        —        —                  —           —                   —         —                             —                                  —
                                                                                                                                                                           without adaptors
                       Autoclavable*                               055-0760                            055-1180
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