Page 3 - Kubota - 6200
P. 3


                                              Multi rotor MF-2236A

          ■ 3 types of buckets can be used with this rotor.

              This helps save cost and time of centrifugation.

          ■ High Speed Centrifugation
              Maximum speed : 15,000rpm

              Maximum RCF : 18,870xg

                                                                                   Swinging bucket
                                                          =                        24 x 1.5/2 mL
                                                                                   15,000 rpm
                                                                                   18,360 xg
                                            Swinging bucket

                                                                                   Fixed angle bucket
                                     +                    =                        24 x 1.5/2 mL
                                                                                   15,000 rpm
                                                                                   18,870 xg

                                           Fixed angle bucket

                                                                                   Combined fixed angle bucket
                                                                                   for 8-strip PCR tubes
                                                          =                        1.5/2mL/0.5mL/0.2mL PCR tubes
                                                                                   15,000 rpm
                                                                                   17,860 xg
                                        Combined fixed angle bucket
                                           for 8-strip PCR tubes

          Multi rotor MF-2236A
                                                                                                       Tube rack
                                                        Tube sizes (mm)  Maximum  Maximum RCF  Bucket
                           Rotor Name   Nominal Capacity                                                Adaptor
                                                        diam. x length  rpm        xg       Code No.
                                                                                                       Code No.
                                        24 x 1.5/2mL  9.5〜11.0 x 36〜42            18,360                 ―
                           Swinging      24 x 0.5mL    7.0〜7.9 x 25〜34  15,000    15,090    053-5860   055-7590
                                       24 x 0.2mL PCR  *  5.9〜6.3 x 20〜24         11,820               055-0500

                                        24 x 1.5/2mL  9.5〜11.0 x 36〜42            18,870                 ―
                          Fixed angle
                            bucket       24 x 0.5mL    7.0〜7.9 x 25〜34  15,000    16,100    053-2000   055-7590
                                       24 x 0.2mL PCR  *  5.9〜6.3 x 20〜24         13,330               055-0500

                                      8 x 0.2mL 8-strip PCR  5.9〜6.3 x 20〜24      17,860                 ―
                           Combined     12 x 1.5/2mL  9.5〜11.0 x 36〜42            15,600                 ―
                          fixed angle                                  15,000               053-0060
                            bucket       12 x 0.5mL    7.0〜7.9 x 25〜34            13,330               055-7590
                                       12 x 0.2mL PCR  *  5.9〜6.3 x 20〜24         11,320               055-0500
                        * 0.2mL PCR may not be able to be used at maximum speed since 0.2mL PCR tube cannot stand at the maximum g-force.
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