Page 231 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 231

Installation Kits  Installation Kits

 Catalog No.  226-50710-00   Catalog No.  226-50730-00                           FID
 226-50712-00 (Helium)  Usable for  Benefit                                      3 POSITION KIT
 Usable for  Benefit  GC/MS   GC/FID  Greater sensitivity                        The FID Filter kit is the perfect all-
 GC/MS  Higher data accuracy   TRIPLE FILTER KIT                                 in-one solution for purifying flame
                                                                                 ionization detector (FID) fuel gases
 and less maintenance  The triple combination filter kit is ideal for pu-        together with the carrier gas.
 rifying GC/MS carrier gases. It contains oxygen,                                This kit removes hydrocarbons,
 GC/TCD  Greater sensitivity and   moisture and hydrocarbon scrubbers in one     moisture and oxygen from the carrier
 less maintenance  easy to change economical cartridge                           gas and removes both moisture and
                                                                                 hydrocarbons from the Hydrogen and
                                                                                 Air fuel gases.

           Catalog No.      226-50720-00
 Catalog No.  226-50779-00
 TOC       Usable for       Benefit                                              LC/MS
 Usable for  Benefit                                                             HYDROCARBON KIT
 CO2/MOISTURE FILTER KIT  LC/MS  Greater sensitivity
 TOC Analyzer  Greater sensitivity                                               Up to 20 L/min. of hydrocarbon-free
 The carbon dioxide/moisture combination fil-                                    nitrogen per minute with this LC/MS
 ter kit is ideal for TOC analysers and Zero-Air                                 High Flow Kit
 Zero-Air gener-  Cleaner gas  generators. It removes both carbon dioxide
 ator  and moisture from gas streams.

           Catalog No.      226-50722-00
           Usable for       Benefit                                              LC/MS
           LC/MS            Greater sensitivity                                  MOISTURE KIT
 Catalog No.  226-50780-00                                                       Up to 20 L/min. of moisture-free
 Removes oxygen, moisture and hydrocarbons                                       nitrogen per minute with this LC/MS
 Usable for  Benefit  from the carrier gas and removes moisture                  High Flow Kit
 GC/ECD  Greater sensitivity  and oxygen from the make-up and purge gas.

           Catalog No.      226-50724-00
 Catalog No.  226-50767-00
           Usable for       Benefit                                              LC/MS COMBI
 Usable for  Benefit  ICP-MS   LC/MS  Greater sensitivity                        (HYDROCARBON/MOISTURE)
 ICP-MS  Greater sensitivity  MOISTURE/OXYGEN FILTER KIT                         KIT
                                                                                 Removes Moisture and Hydrocarbons
 Removes Oxygen and Moisture from gas                                            from high flow gas streams.
 ICP-OES  Greater sensitivity  streams.

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