Page 234 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 234

Gas Filtration

           Single Filters

           Catalog No.            226-50754-00
                                                                           MOISTURE FILTER
                                                                           Moisture in carrier gas lines will
           Outlet Gas Quality (%)  > 99.9999
                                                                           prematurely degrade oxygen and
           Maximum Pressure       11 bar (160 psi)                         hydrocarbon traps and increase detector
           Maximum Flow           7 L/min.                                 noise. As a precaution, we higly
           Usable For             Inert carrier gas, He, H2, N2, AR,       recommend installing a moisture trap
                                  Air                                      before the hydrocarbon and oxygen
                                                                           traps on all carrier gas lines.
           Dimensions             24 cm x Ø 4.4 cm
           Weight                 0.26 Kg
                                                                            H O        7.2 g
           Estimated Lifetime     > 2 years                                  2

           Catalog No.            226-50755-00                             OXYGEN FILTER
           Specifications                                                  Oxygen is a column killer. It is present
                                                                           even in UHP gases, as minutes leaks at
           Outlet Gas Quality (%)  > 99.9999
                                                                           fittings allow oxygen to influx against
           Maximum Pressure       11 bar (160 psi)                         the concentration gradient. Because
           Maximum Flow           7 L/min.                                 oxygen can enter a gas line at any
           Usable For             Inert carrier gas, He, H2, N2, AR        fitting or during gas bottle exchange,
                                                                           the oxygen trap should be the last
           Dimensions             24 cm x Ø 4.4 cm                         connection before the gas line enters the
           Weight                 0.26 Kg                                  chromatograph.
           Estimated Lifetime     > 2 years                                 Capacity
                                                                            O2         150 mL

           Catalog No.            226-50756-00                             HYDROCARBON FILTER
           Specifications                                                  Use a hydrocarbon trap if your gas
                                                                           has a potential source of hydrocarbon
           Outlet Gas Quality (%)  > 99.9999
                                                                           contaminants or if you suspect you
           Maximum Pressure       11 bar (160 psi)                         are observing carrier gas ghost peaks.
           Maximum Flow           7 L/min.                                 Install the hydrocarbon trap after the
           Usable For             Inert carrier gas, He, H2, N2, AR,       moisture trap, to prevent moisture from
                                  Air                                      degrading the hydrocarbon-trapping
                                                                           ability of the activated carbon in the
           Dimensions             24 cm x Ø 4.4 cm
                                                                           hydrocarbon trap.
           Weight                 0.26 Kg
           Estimated Lifetime     > 2 years
                                                                            HC         12 g (as n-butane)

           Catalog No.            226-50757-00
           Outlet Gas Quality (%)  > 99.9999                               CARBON DIOXIDE FILTER
           Maximum Pressure       11 bar (160 psi)                         Removes carbon dioxide from gas
           Maximum Flow           7 L/min.                                 streams. To be used in combination with
           Usable For             Inert carrier gas, He, H2, N2, AR,       a Moisture Filter
                                  Air                                       Capacity
           Dimensions             24 cm x Ø 4.4 cm                          CO2        12 g
           Weight                 0.26 Kg
           Estimated Lifetime     > 2 years

         Pg D-10
   229   230   231   232   233   234   235   236   237   238   239