Page 16 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 16

Core Shell Columns

              Shim-pack Velox Biphenyl

              Shim-pack Velox Biphenyl provides enhanced retention of aromatic compounds. It is useful for fast separations in
             bioanalytical applications due to the increased retention of early eluting analytes such as dipolar, unsaturated and
             conjugated analytes.
                                                                                                       S i
              Complementary selectivity to alkyl phases
              Enhanced separation of aromatic compounds
              Ideal for increasing sensitivity and selectivity in LC/MS(/MS) analysis

           Separating the Structural Isomers
           Even under the condition where 56 drugs of abuse and metabolites in human urine are quantitated within 10 minutes, two structural
           isomers, amobarmital and pentobarbital, which have been historically difficult to separate due to their similarity in chemical
           structures, could be relatively well resolved with shim-pack Velox Biphenyl column.

                                                                    Amobarbital          Pentobarbital
                                                                    5-ethyl-5-(3-methylbutyl)-  5-ethyl-5-pentan-2-yl-1,3-
                                                                    1,3-diazinane-2,4,6-trione  diazinane-2,4,6-trione
                                                                     System        :  Nexera UHPLC System / LCMS-8050
                                                                     Column        :  Shim-pack Velox Biphenyl 2.7 µm,
                                                                                     2.1 mm × 100 mm (PN: 227-32015-03)
                                                                     Column Temp.   :  30 °C
                                                                     Flow Rate     :  0.5 mL/min
                                                                     Mobile Phase A   :  0.15 mM ammonium fluoride in water
                                                                     Mobile Phase B   :  Methanol
                                                                     Gradient      :  20 % B (0 min)  g  48 % B (1.5 min)  g
                                                                                     53 % B (4 min)
                                                                                     100 %B (6 min - 7.5 min)  g  20 % B
                                                                                     (7.51 min - 9.5 min)
                                                                     Sample preparation  :  Enzymatically hydrolyzed human urine
                                                                                     was spiked with target compounds
                                                                                     between 10 - 1000 % of the required
                                                                                     cut off concentration. Samples were
                                                                                     subsequently diluted 5x with 0.1 %
                                                                                     formic acid.
              Shim-pack Velox PFPP

              Shim-pack Velox PFPP (Pentafluorophenylpropyl) provides an alternative selectivity to C18 columns and is
             suitable for the analysis of halogenated compounds, positional isomers and charged bases.
              Alternative selectivity to C18 columns
              Suitable for positional isomers and halogenated compounds
              Offers increased retention for charged bases

           Good Separation of Cis / Trans Stilbene
           Cis and trans isomers of stilbene that are difficult to resolve with an ODS column due to their similarity in hydrophobicity can be well
           separated with Shim-pack Velox PFPP column.

                                                                   1. cis-Stilbene  2. trans-Stilbene

                                                                     LC Conditions
                                                                   Column        :  Shim-pack Velox PFPP, 2.7 µm, 3.0×100 mm
                                                                                   (PN: 227-32022-04)
                                                                   Column Temp.   :  40 °C
                                                                   Flow Rate     :  0.4 mL/min
                                                                   Mobile Phase     :  Methanol/Water = 9/1
                                                                   Detection     :  UV 254 nm
                                                                   Sample        :  1. cis-Stilbene,  2. trans-Stilbene
                                                                   Injection Volume    :  1 µL

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