Page 15 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 15

Shim-pack Velox SP-C18

              Shim-pack Velox C18 is a traditional end-capped C18-bonded phase which offers the highest hydrophobic
             retention of any Shim-pack Velox phases and is applicable to a wide range of applications such as
             pharmaceutical, food, environmental and clinical and neutrals at moderately low and mid-range pH.
                                                                                                     S i
              General purpose column for reversed-phase chromatography                              O
              Highest hydrophobic retention among Shim-pack Velox series
              Compatible with moderately acidic to neutral mobile phases (pH 2-8)

              Method Transfer for Cyanocobalamin Analysis within the USP Allowable Adjustment

              The assay of cyanocobalamin (a synthetic form of vitamin B12) with 5 µm fully-porous ODS column described in the USP
             monograph is transferred to a new method with Shim-pack Velox C18 2.7 µm column, within USP allowable adjustments.
             Analytical time and solvent consumption can be saved with transferred methods while meeting the requirements of system

                USP requirement of Chromatography <621>
                When the column size is changed, the following conditions should be met;
                1)  L/dp ratio  :  within -25 % to +50 %
                             Number of theoretical plates (N): within -25 % to +50 % (For SPP)
                2)  Flow rate  :  *Based on particle size and internal diameter and ±50%
                                               L  :  Column length
                                       2       dp  :  Particle size
                                     dc2  × dp1
                             * F2 = F1 ×
                                     dc1  × dp2  F  :  Flow rate
                                               dc  :  Internal diameter of the column

                                                                  Original Method
                                                                Column      :  Shim-pack VP-ODS (5 µm, 4.6×150 mm)
                                                                Flow rate   :  0.5 mL/min
                                                                Injection Volume  :  100 µL
                                                                Column temp.   :  25 °C
                                                                Detection   :  UV 361 nm

                                                                  Faster Method
                                                                Column      :  Shim-pack Velox C18 (2.7 µm, 4.6×100 mm)
                                                                Flow rate   :  0.50 mL/min
                                                                Injection Volume  :  67 µL
                                                                Column temp.   :  25 °C
                                                                Detection   :  UV 361 nm

                                                                  Optimized Method
                                                                Column      :  Shim-pack Velox C18 (2.7 µm, 4.6×100 mm)
                                                                Flow rate   :  0.93 mL/min
                                                                Injection Volume  :  67 µL
                                                                Column temp.   :  25 °C
                                                                Detection   :  UV 361 nm

                                                                                             System suitability test
                  Column               L/dp           Flow rate (mL/min)        N              result (Requirement:
                                                                                                 %RSD < 2.0 %)
                  VP-ODS                                                                         tR: 0.025 %
              (5 µm, 4.6×150 mm)       30,000              0.50                5,244          Area: 0.175 % (n=6)
                                                                               9,497             tR: 0.035 %
                 Velox C18             37,037                                 (+81 %)         Area: 0.103 % (n=6)
              (2.7 µm, 4.6×100 mm)    (+23 %)                                  4,466             tR: 0.084 %
                                                                              (-15 %)         Area: 0.220 % (n=6)

                                                                                                         Pg A-11
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