Page 153 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 153

Structures, polarities, properties, and uses for Shimadzu capillary column phases, in order of increasing polarity
           SH-I-1Ms, SH-1HT,        SH-I-5Ms, SH-I-5HT,        SH-I-5Sil MS            SH-20, SH-25
           SH-I 1                   SH-5, SH-5MS               1,4-bis(dimethylsiloxy)phenylene   Diphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane
           Dimethyl polysiloxane    Diphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane  dimethyl polysiloxane

                                    Similar to: (5%-phenyl)-   Similar to: (5%-phenyl)-  Similar to: (20%-phenyl)-
           Similar to: (100%-methyl)-  methylpolysiloxane  Polarity: slightly   methylpolysiloxane  Polarity:   methylpolysiloxane  Polarity:
           polysiloxane  Polarity: nonpolar    polar           slightly polar          slightly polar
           Uses: solvents, petroleum products,   Uses: flavors, environmental, aromatic  Uses: flavors, environmental,   Uses: volatile compounds, alcohols
           pharmaceutical samples, waxes
                                    hydrocarbons               pesticides, PCBs, aromatic
           SH-1301, SH-624          SH-I-624Sil MS             SH-35                   SH-I-35Sil MS
           Cyanopropylmethyl phenylmethl                       Diphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane

                                                                                       Similar to: (35%-phenyl)-
                                                                                       methylpolysiloxane  Polarity:
                                    Similar to: (6%-cyanopropylphenyl)-  Similar to: (35%-phenyl)-  intermediately polar
                                    methylpolysiloxane         methylpolysiloxane      Uses: pesticides, PCBs, amines,
                                    Polarity: intermediately polar   Polarity: intermediately polar
           Similar to: (6%-cyanopropylphenyl)-  Uses: volatile compounds, insecticides,  Uses: pesticides, PCBs, amines,   nitrogen-containing herbicides
           methylpolysiloxane       residue solvents in pharmaceutical   nitrogen-containing herbicides
           Polarity: intermediately polar    products
           Uses: volatile compounds,
           SH-200                   SH-50                      SH-I-17                 SH-I-17Sil MS
           Trifluoropropylmethyl polysiloxane  Phenyl methyl polysiloxane  Diphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane

                                                                                       Similar to: (50%-phenyl)-
                                                                                       methylpolysiloxane  Polarity:
                                                               Similar to: (50%-phenyl)-  intermediately polar
                                    Similar to: (50%-phenyl)-
           Similar to: (trifluoropropyl)-  methylpolysiloxane  Polarity:   methylpolysiloxane   Uses: triglycerides, phthalate esters,
           methylpolysiloxane       intermediately polar       Polarity: intermediately polar    steroids, phenols
           Polarity: selective for lone pair                   Uses: triglycerides, phthalate
           electrons  Uses: environmental,   Uses: FAMEs, carbohydrates  esters, steroids, phenols
           solvents, Freon® gases, drugs,
           ketones, alcohols
           SH-1701                  SH-65                      SH-225                  SH-2330
                                    Diphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane  Cyanopropylmethyl phenylmethyl   Biscyanopropyl cyanopropylphenyl
                                                               polysiloxane            polysiloxane

           Similar to:
           (14%-cyanopropylphenyl)-  Similar to: (65%-phenyl)-
           methylpolysiloxane       methylpolysiloxane  Polarity:   Similar to:
           Polarity: intermediately polar    intermediately polar    (50%-cyanopropylmethyl)-
           Uses: pesticides, PCBs, alcohols,   Uses: triglycerides, rosin acids,    methylphenylpolysiloxane
           oxygenates               free fatty acids           Polarity: polar         Similar to: (95%-cyanopropyl)-phenyl
                                                               Uses: FAMEs, carbohydrates  polysiloxane  Polarity: polar
                                                                                       Uses: cis/trans FAMEs, dioxin isomers,
                                                                                       rosin acids
           SH-PolarWax, SH-Wax
           Polyethylene glycol

                                          **Structures, polarities, and properties also apply to metal MXT® stationary phases.

           Polarity: polar
           Uses: FAMEs, flavors, acids, amines,
           solvents, xylene isomers
                                                                                                           Pg C-3
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