Page 137 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 137

TORAST-H 96well 500 RU


              Low adsorption polypropylene 96-well plate
              Prevents the adsorption of organic compounds
              Reduces the adsorption loss of the precious sample
              Ideal for peptide and basic compounds analysis

              Adsorption Test of Imipramine
           Imipramine is used in the treatment of depression and is a hydrophilic and basic compound. (logP: 4.28, pKa: 9.2).
           The chromatogram below shows a comparison of the Imipramine peak area with non-coated polypropylene 96-well plate compared
           to TORAST-H™ 96- well plates.
           Non-coated polypropylene 96-well plate show hydrophobic adsorption within the well.
           TORAST-H 96well 500 RU plates significantly improved the peak area by preventing the adsorption within the wells. This result
           indicates that TORAST-H 96well 500 RU well plate is effective in preventing adsorption.

                                                                 Sample     :  Imipramine (1 ng/mL)
                                                                 Instruments   :  Nexera-i, LCMS-2020
                                                                 Mobile Phase  :  10 mM Ammonioum Acetate in Water : MeCN
                                                                              =40:60_Isocratic flow
                                                                 Flow Rate   :  0.2 mL/min

                                                                        Imipramine   Molecular Weight : 280.4

              Product Information

                   Name                P/N               Volume (μL)          Material            Qty./Unit
           TORAST-H 96well 500 RU   370-04100-01           500              Polypropylene           10
           TORAST 96well Silicon Mat  370-04020-01          -                 Silicon               50

                         TORAST-H 96 well 500 RU                              TORAST-H 96 well Silicon Mat

                                                                                                           Pg B-9
   132   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142