Page 5 - MUP-3100
P. 5

Stable performance eliminates differences   Provides Labor Savings and Reduces Downtime

 between analysts, providing peace of mind
               Simply Place the Sample and Reagents in the Instrument to Automatically
               Implement Pretreatment

               Simply place the prepared reagent
               and the culture supernatants or
               other samples into the prescribed
               place for the instrument and select
               pretreatment to implement the
 Precisely Automated Protocols Eliminate Human Error  process automatically, quickly and
               accurately. The MUP-3100 allows for
               setting a maximum of 24 samples at
 Pretreatment is required for LC analysis of profiles for antibody-derived glycans, including purification of the antibodies, glycan   one time and enables processing
 cut-out, and fluorescent labeling. The MUP-3100 Fully Automated Sample Preparation Module for Glycan Analysis is equipped   twice a day. The MUP-3100 not only
 with functions to perform dispensing, the addition of reagents, heating, centrifugation, solid phase column extraction, and   lessens the burden on the analyst,
 sample delivery, thereby automating the entire pretreatment sequence.  but also enables pretreatment at
 Pretreatment of antibody-derived glycans in culture supernatants involves repeated operations including dispensing, the   night or on holidays, thereby
 addition of reagents, centrifugation, and heating. With solid phase column extraction using an antibody trap carrier, rinsing   accelerating the workflow.
 must be performed multiple times, which is labor intensive.
 The MUP-3100 reliably implements pretreatment using the Auto-EZGlyco mAb-N Kit for SHIMADZU protocol. This eliminates
 human errors, such as forgetting to add the reagent, taking the wrong sample, or omitting a process.
               Automatic Confirmation of Consumables Positioning Supports Stable
 Automation of the Entire Process
               With the MUP-3100, mistakes are prevented by checking the sample and necessary reagents positioning via image processing prior to
               automated operations. The automated protocol will be paused if the sample, reagent, or consumables are missing. Even during
               automated operations, pipette tip attachment/detachment and the column grip are monitored by sensors, preventing malfunctions.
 Culture solution
 (including partially purified samples)

 Addition of sample
 Antibodies are captured
 and purified by the
 solid phase column
                Verification of positioning by     Detection of pipette tip       Detection of grip errors
                    image recognition             attachment/detachment
               Quality Control Support Functions
 Addition of rinsing solution and centrifugation
               The control software of the MUP-3100 automatically generates pretreatment results reports and stores them in the database
 Addition of reaction accelerating agent and
 Glycans are released   centrifugation  along with pretreatment conditions. The MUP-3100 continuously monitors its operating performance, and if the device detects
 from the antibodies  an error, its internal camera automatically creates a video of the 5 seconds before and after the occurrence, which is then saved
 Addition of enzyme solution
               along with error logs. This assists in identifying the root cause of errors and minimizing downtime.
 Heating       Abnormal condition                                               Normal condition
               Automatically saves a video of the 5 seconds before and after detecting that the tip is   Verify the presence of the tip with
 Addition of labeling reagent and centrifugation  not installed with a laser.   a laser.
                  5 seconds                                 5 seconds later
 Fluorescent labeling
 of the glycans
 Detachment of antibody trap column
 Addition of solvent
 Labeled glycans are trapped by the column

 Recovery of the   Completion of preparation for labeled glycans
 labeled glycans

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