Page 9 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 9

SHIMADZU | WHITE PAPER                             Ultra-fast LC-MS/MS Analysis of PFAS in Environmental Waters

          Figure 1. Chromatogram of PFOA: (a) without delay column and (b) with delay column.

          Results and Discussion                              Most importantly, the isomers (e.g. PFOS and PFHxS)
                                                              were chromatographically separated. These were
                                                              achieved by selecting a column with a phenyl-hexyl
             Chromatographic Separation                      functional group. The total LC-MS/MS run time of 20
                                                              minutes included a final wash-out with acetonitrile to
          Figure 2 shows the overlaid MRM and total ion current   remove contamination.
          (TIC) chromatograms of all 49 PFAS compounds in a
          mixed standard solution at 100 ng/L. All PFAS       Fluorotelomer acids, observed as [M-H]  and [M-HF-H] ,
          compounds eluted within 13 minutes. The retention   can result in an ion with the same formula as the
          time and MRM transition (quantifying ions) for each of   unsaturated fluorotelomer acid. Even under the
          the PFAS compounds are listed in Table 4.           optimized chromatography conditions, these
                                                              compounds have near identical retention times. To
          Chromatography separation was optimized and         successfully reduce HF loss and minimize false
          adjusted to obtain maximum resolution between peaks   identification of the fluorotelomer acids, a lower
          in the shortest time possible. Good peak shapes were   desolvation line temperature was employed.
          obtained for these PFAS, even for early-eluting PFBS.




                       3.0     4.0     5.0     6.0     7.0     8.0      9.0     10.0    11.0    12.0    min
          Figure 2. MRM (pink & blue) and TIC (black) chromatograms of all 49 PFAS in a mixed standard solution, with each PFAS at
          100 ng/L.
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14