Page 5 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 5

SHIMADZU | WHITE PAPER                             Ultra-fast LC-MS/MS Analysis of PFAS in Environmental Waters

             Growing List of PFAS Compounds                     Flexibility of Analytical Instruments

          Due to the impact of PFAS on human health and the   To incorporate the growing list of PFAS compounds
          environment, EPA launched the 2010/2015 PFOA        and to enhance the specificity and sensitivity of the LC-
          Stewardship Program [18] in early 2006 to reduce and   MS/MS analysis, Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM)
          ultimately eliminate PFOA, PFOS and long-chain PFAS   is commonly utilized. Shimadzu’s Ultra-fast Mass
          from products and emissions. The eight participating   Spectrometry (UFMS) systems, featuring an ultra-fast
          companies with global operations have either stopped   acquisition rate of 555 MRM/sec and which can operate
          the production and import of these selected PFAS and   without any compromise in sensitivity, prove to be ideal
          then switched to alternatives or entirely move away   for the fast and sensitive analysis of many PFAS
          from the PFAS industry.                             compounds in a single run.
          GenX process and technology has emerged as a        Shimadzu’s collision cell, UFsweeper , is one of the
          substitute to PFOA and PFOS; companies are able to   key features that contributes to the high acquisition
          make high-performance fluoropolymers (GenX          rate. The redesign of the collision cell allows for an
          chemicals), such as hexafluoropropylene oxide (HFPO)   ultra-fast ion sweeping where ions are efficiently
          dimer acid and its ammonium salts. With the recent   accelerated out of the collision cell without losing
          recommendation for a global ban on PFOA and its     momentum. With these features in Shimadzu UFMS,
          related chemicals by the UN global scientific committee   short dwell time and pause time  are achieved and
          [19], manufacturers and industries all over the world   data can be acquired at a high speed with no loss in
          may turn to these GenX compounds as substitutes.     sensitivity. With more time for data collection, the
                                                              UFMS technology addresses the need of large-
          These alternatives have raised several health and   compound-panel testing in PFAS analysis and ensures
          environmental concerns as they possess similar      potential extendibility of the LC-MS/MS method for
          properties as PFOA and PFOS [20]. To accelerate     PFAS.
          occurrence assessment, the EPA updated the drinking
          water method to EPA 537.1 Version 1.0 in November   In this white paper, the state-of-the-art analytical
          2018 [21] to include GenX (HFPO-dimer acid) and     methods for monitoring PFAS are described, with
          three other compounds (i.e. 11Dl-PF3OUdS, 9Cl-      emphasis on the work related to the validation of ASTM
          PF3ONS and ADONA, [21]) in addition to the target list.    D7979. A robust method consisting of simple sample
                                                              preparation with direct injection to LC-MS/MS
          With the release of EPA’s Health Advisory for PFAS in   (Shimadzu LCMS-8060) is demonstrated, showcasing
          2017, the availability of validated methods and increase   the setup, performance and compatibility of LCMS-
          of public awareness, PFAS monitoring and testing is   8060 for the separation and analysis of 49 PFAS in
          becoming routine. Together with this trend of using   environmental samples.
          similar compounds as alternatives, the list of PFAS that
          are of concern may continue to grow.

          1  Dwell time is the time allocated for acquiring the data of an ion of a particular m/z in a mass spectrometer.
          2  LC-MS/MS measurement conditions must be switched to perform simultaneous measurements of multiple compounds. The time needed for
          this is termed as pause time. As data cannot be acquired during the pause time, it should be as short as possible.
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