Page 8 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 8

SHIMADZU | WHITE PAPER                             Ultra-fast LC-MS/MS Analysis of PFAS in Environmental Waters

          Table 3. LCMS system and instrument conditions.

           LCMS Instrument              Shimadzu LCMS-8060
           Analytical Column            Shim-pack GIST Phenyl-Hexyl, 2.1 mm ID × 100 mm, 3 µm particle size
           Solvent Delay Column         Shim-pack XR-ODS, 3 mm ID × 50 mm, 2.2 µm particle size
           Column Temperature           40  C
           Injection Volume             10 µL
           LC Flow Rate                 0.4 mL/min
           Mobile Phase A               20 mM Ammonium Acetate in LCMS-grade Water
           Mobile Phase B               Acetonitrile

                                                       Time (min)  % Solvent Line A  % Solvent Line B
                                                           0            90             10
                                                           1            90             10
                                                           3            70             30
           Gradient Conditions
                                                          14            35             65
                                                         14.1           2              98
                                                         17.1           90             10
                                                          20            90             10

           Run / Acquisition Cycle Time   20 minutes (all 49 PFAS compounds are eluted in 13 minutes)
           Interface                    Electrospray Ionization (ESI)
           Interface Temperature        300  C
           Desolvation Line Temperature   100  C
           Heat Block Temperature       200  C
           Heating Gas Flow             15 L/min
           Drying Gas Flow              5 L/min
           Nebulizing Gas Flow          3 L/min
           Total MRMs                   74

          The described LC-MS/MS method was run exactly as    PFAS-free materials, high-grade solvents and flushing
          indicated in ASTM Method D7979. One such            the instrument by injecting multiple method blanks.
          modification concerns the ASTM liquid chromatography
          (LC) conditions. Only two LC mobile phases were     In this study, a solvent delay column was used to
          employed in this study. Reagent C (400 mM           account for the PFAS contamination present in the
          ammonium acetate in 95:5% acetonitrile-water)       glass containers, laboratory consumables (e.g. pipette
          specified in ASTM method was not used. The LC       tips) and LC system (e.g. pumps and tubing). This
          mobile phases used in this study (Table 3) are easy to   solvent delay column is situated before the
          prepare. In addition, the shape and sensitivity of   autosampler and helps delay the elution of the PFAS
          chromatographic peaks obtained are similar or even   present in the background. As shown in Figure 1, the
          better than when using the mobile phases specified in   use of the delay column and this impurity delay method
          the ASTM method.                                    allows the distinction of PFOA originating solely from
                                                              the sample. Furthermore, with Shimadzu’s team of
                                                              service engineers, we can set up the exact HPLC
                                                              configuration (involving solvent lines, tubing, bypassing
             Avoiding Contamination
                                                              of solvent lines and more) that is proven to give
          PFAS may be found in sampling and storage           contamination-free data.
          containers and may even contaminate the samples. It
          is important to account for these sources of PFAS
          during and, at best, minimize them with the use of
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