Page 55 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 55

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         Determination of the purgeable organic
                                         carbon (POC)

            According to EN 1484, which  contains the           Here, the  volatile organic compounds are
            instructions for TOC determination, the POC         converted to CO 2 and detected via  NDIR
            (purgeable organic carbon) is the TOC               detector.
            content that can be expelled under the
            conditions of this method. This information is
            very unspecific and should be described here                           TOC
            in more detail.

            The instruments in the TOC-L series can be
            extended    with   an   option   to   include                 NPOC                     POC
            measurement of  the POC parameter. The
            core feature of this option is the LiOH trap,
            which is placed in the flow line of the                 Fig. The addition method (NPOC + POC)
            analyzer.                                           During the course of the addition method, the
                                                                remainder is used for  NPOC determination.
                                                                However, in the drinking water application or
                                                                ultrapure water application, the POC content
                                                                is completely negligible. Here, TOC = NPOC

                                                                The POC can, nevertheless, play an
                                                                important role in wastewaters, particularly in
                                                                industrial effluents.

                                                                ■ Calibration
                                                                Particular  attention should be paid to
                                                                calibration  of the POC. Standards that are

                                                                 prepared with volatile, purgeable organic
                                                                substances are inherently very unstable. This
            For POC determination, the  sample is               is why IC standard solutions (prepared from
            aspirated using the TOC-L injection syringe,        carbonates and/or hydrogen carbonates) are
            acidified with HCL and subsequently purged          used for POC calibration. Sampling of the IC
            using carrier gas. In this step, CO 2 originating   solutions for POC determination is carried out
            from carbonates and hydrogen carbonates as          using the  TOC-L injection syringe. The IC
            well as all volatile organic compounds (POC)        solution  is acidified in the syringe. The
            are purged from the solution. The LiOH trap         inorganic substances of the standard solution
            binds the CO 2 from the gas mixture                 are converted to CO 2 and transferred to the
            (originating from the TIC). The volatile            NDIR detector using a carrier gas.
            compounds pass the trap and  reach the
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