Page 52 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 52

5. TOC in daily practice

        As market leader in TOC analysis,  opment of our TOC systems. Whether  nitrogen determination’ or ‘Blank val-
        Shimadzu connects tradition with ex-  online analyzers or laboratory TOC sys-  ues’). In addition to the information on
        perience. This enables users to profit  tems – they all impress by their great  ‘TOC in daily practice’, there are also
        from personal support or by attending  flexibility, high availability, extreme  application notes on ‘Pharmaceutical
        seminars and user meetings organized  robustness and stability, simple and  industry’, ‘Chemical Industry’, ‘TOC spe-
        by Shimadzu. These application-oriented  intuitive operation and advanced oper-  cial applications’, ‘Environmental analy-
        meetings serve for the exchange of in-  ating and evaluation software. Many  sis’ and ‘TOC process analysis.’
        formation and experiences.  additional functions facilitate the user’s
                                   work and provide more freedom for oth-
        In this particular field of application  er important tasks.
        notes, specific sets of subjects ‘TOC in
        daily practice’ are listed that are not  This chapter also applies to the indi-
        covered by one of the special applica-  vidual modules, kits or options of
        tions. These are subjects that are related  Shimadzu’s TOC analyzers. Useful func-
        to the TOC parameter, independently of  tions are also described.
        the matrix.
                                   Further details are available in the indi-
        The wealth of experience in TOC analy-  vidual application notes (for instance
        sis naturally finds its way into the devel-  ‘TOC determination methods’, ‘Total
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