Page 41 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 41


            ■ Interferences                                         40
            In addition to CO 2 formed from the organic
            components, various  nitrogen oxides are
            formed during the combustion of ammonium                20
            salts or ammonia water. Excessively high              Signal[mV]
            nitrogen levels can lead to the formation of            10
            significant  amounts of N 2O (nitrous oxide).
            Nitrous oxide exhibits absorption bands in the          -4
            same IR detection range as CO 2 and can,                  0               7               14
            therefore,  be misinterpreted for CO 2. In
            addition, nitrous oxide can cause tailing and         Fig. Example peaks of 40% ammonium nitrate
            can affect the peak symmetry.                                          solution
            A B-type scrubber  is used to  eliminate
            possible interference by nitrous oxide. Due to
            the high solubility of N 2O in water, the gas is
            dissolved in the B-type scrubber and will not
            reach the detector.

            ■ Results
            The     duplicate   determination    of   the
            ammonium nitrate solution yielded the
            following results:

                                                                ■ Recommended analyzer / Configuration
                  Probe           NPOC           RSD            TOC-L  CPH
                                 [mg/l]          [%]            OCT-L (8-port sampler)
                                                                B-Type- Scrubber
            nitrate solution      56,5           0,8
            nitrate solution      56,7           1,2
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