Page 45 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 45

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         TOC- determination in algal biomass –
                                         suspension method

                                                                ■Innovative methods
                                                                To    determine    the   biomass     in   the
                                                                photobioreactor, a TOC analyzer was used.
                                                                The carbon content of the ‘algal soup’ is
                                                                directly proportional to the biomass.

            The excessive global CO 2 emissions from the
            burning of fossil fuels (for instance in power
            plants) causes the search for climate-friendly
            uses of carbon dioxide.

            One of the approaches for environmentally
            sound recycling is to convert the emitted CO 2
            into biomass using photobioreactors.
                                                                ■ TOC Measurement method
            The CO 2 gas is introduced into the                 Depending on the type of algae used in the
            photobioreactor in order to be used for the         reactor, either the difference method or the
            growth of algae. The biomass, or algae, can         direct method (NPOC) is suitable. In both
            be used in  many different application areas:       cases, one should test which method will
            in the cosmetics industry, the construction         most accurately detect each particular type of
            industry, and the food segment, in agriculture      algae. This can be compared with the results
            as fertilizer or for energy utilization.            of the reference method.
                                                                Information on the analysis:
            ■ Test methods for implementation                     calibration  of the TC/NPOC and the IC
            The efficiency of the photobiorectors and the           parameters via the automated dilution
            yield of growth are continuously monitored.             function
            To this end, various methods are  available,          sample is generally measured undiluted
            including the determination of dry  mass              injection volume: 90 µL
            (gravimetric) or the photometric determination        at least 3  to 5 injections for statistical
            of chlorophyll (by absorption). These methods           confidence
            either require a high expenditure in terms of         rinse several times, depending on the
            time and personnel, or they are nonspecific             sample
            and inaccurate.
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