Page 44 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 44

4. TOC special applications

        Due to its informative significance, the  can control and calculate interferences  to be useful for a one-time use while
        TOC sum parameter is widely applicable.  that can be attributed to the matrix.  others seem to revolutionize entire ana-
        It mirrors the total concentration of  Various options, kits and modules en-  lytical application areas.
        organically bound carbon or organic  able interference-free analyses in a
        compounds.                 wide range of applications.  Further information can be found in
                                                               the individual application notes (for in-
        In addition to the environmental, phar-  With its TOC analyzers, Shimadzu offers  stance ‘TOC determination in algae,
        maceutical and chemical industries,  flexible systems that can be modularly  liquid manure or carbon dioxide deter-
        the TOC parameter is used in numerous  upgraded using various kits, modules  mination in beer’). In addition to TOC
        other applications. The user’s scientific  and options. In this way, the TOC analyz-  special applications, there are also
        curiosity and ingenuity often wants to  er can be customized to the specific  application notes and information on
        solve an analytical problem or simplify  measurement task.  ‘Pharmaceutical industry’, ‘Chemical
        complex analytics, and then finds the                  Industry’, ‘Environmental analysis’, ‘TOC
        TOC as a key to the answer.  The possibility to detect and quantify all  in daily practice’ and ‘TOC process anal-
                                   organic compounds within a simple ana-  ysis.’
        The TOC parameter can be determined  lytical run always leads to new, often
        easily and reliably. The experienced user  unusual, applications. Some only seem
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