Page 86 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 86

Application  No.L440

            n Structure Prediction and MRM Analysis of Impurities  n 2-Dimensional Separation of Impurity Peak
            After conducting a product ion scan of the precursor   Using this LC/MS/MS system, we conducted an in-
            ion at m/z 508.2, we predicted the structure of the   depth examination of the separation obtained using UV
            impurity IM2 through comparison with the API. Fig. 4   detection of impurity peak A (Peak 2 of Fig. 6), which
            shows the obtained product ion spectrum. These results   we confirmed to have eluted simultaneously as three
            indicate that the impurity is a benzimidazol-2-thiol   separate impurity components.
            derivative of the API.                             As a result, by replacing mobile phase A in the second
                                                               dimension from the aqueous solution of ammonium
                Inten. (× 10,000)                              acetate (chromatogram (2), Fig. 6) to aqueous acetic
              7.5         242.30                               acid (chromatogram (1), Fig. 6), the impurity separation
              5.0                                              was improved.
              2.5            267.25                            In addition, Fig. 6 shows the LC-UV chromatograms in
                  150.40                         490.15
              0.0                                              which all the vertical axes have been normalized.
               100  150  200  250  300  350  400  450  500  m/z  Compared to the original impurity peak A obtained
                    Fig. 4  Product Ion Spectrum for m/z 508.2  from just the first separation alone, shown at left, the
                                                               peak intensity is much greater when using the second
                                                               separation. These results indicate that both separation
                                                               and sensitivity can be improved using the Co-Sense for
                       m/z 267.3      m/z 242.3  O
                                                               Impurities System.
                               N   O      O
                               N                                            Table 3  Analytical Conditions
                     N                 N
                     H                     Active Pharmaceutical   Column (Ⅱ)   :  STR-ODSⅡ (10 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 µm)
                  m/z 150.4  Exact Mass: 507.14  Ingredient     Mobile Phase   :  10 mmol/L Ammonium Acetate
                                                                Flowrate   :  5.0 mL/min
            In addition, MRM measurements were conducted for    Column (Ⅲ)   :  Shim-pack XR-ODS (50 mm L. × 2.0 mm I.D., 2.2 µm)
            the impurities IM1 – IM3. Using this method, we     Mobile Phase   :  A;  (1) 0.1 % Acetic acid aq.
            achieved excellent repeatability by conducting replicate            (2) 10 mmol/L Ammonium Acetate
                                                                             B;  Methanol
            measurements of the sample solution, in addition to   Time Program   :  B CONC 40 % (0 min) → 65 % (5 min)
            excellent linearity with different sample injection     Flowrate       · Mixer : 180 µL
                                                                           :  0.2 mL/min
            volumes.                                            Detection (B)   :  UV 290 nm
                                           IM1                                         mAU
                    MRM chromatograms                             Peaks               6         (1)
                    (2 µL injection)    IM2                       1. Rabeprazole
                     IM1:394.10>210.10(+)                         2. Impurity-A        5
                     IM2:508.20>242.20(+)  IM3                                         4
                     IM3:569.20>328.20(+)                                              3
                                     11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 min                      2       1
                     IM1(m/z 394.2)  IM2(m/z 508.2)  IM3(m/z 569.2)
                    R.T.(min)  Area  R.T.(min)  Area  R.T.(min)  Area                  0
                1   13.353  520,894  13.258  273,084  13.047  167,315                   7.5  10.0  12.5  15.0  min
                2   13.381  512,177  13.284  259,097  13.075  164,805  mAU              mAU
                3   13.47  507,981  13.393  260,198  13.165  161,516
                4   13.486  521,671  13.432  263,336  13.182  161,514       1
                5   13.428  521,411  13.37  271,433  13.112  170,422  6                6         (2)
               Average  13.424  516,827  13.347  265,430  13.116  165,114  5           5
               RSD(%)  0.42  1.23  0.55  2.43  0.44  2.33
                                                                  4                    4
                Area          Area           Area                 3                    3
             3500000  IM1      IM2           IM3                  2                    2            1
             3000000  r 2 =0.99897  1250000  r 2 =0.99928  1000000  r 2 =0.99900  2
             2500000        1000000                               1                    1
             2000000        750000                                0                    0
             1500000                       500000
             1000000                                              0.0  2.5  5.0  7.5  min
                            250000         250000                                       7.5  10.0  12.5  15.0  min
               0              0             0                          1 st Separation       2 nd Separation
               0.0  5.0  10.0  Inj. Vol.  0.0  5.0  10.0  Inj. Vol.  0.0  5.0  10.0  Inj. Vol.
                   Fig. 5  MRM Analysis of Impurities IM1 - IM3     Fig. 6  2-Dimensional Separation of Impurity-A Peak

                                                                                                      First Edition: Dec, 2012

                                              For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
                                              The content of this publication shall not be reproduced, altered or sold for any commercial purpose without the written approval of Shimadzu.
                                              The information contained herein is provided to you "as is" without warranty of any kind including without limitation warranties as to its
                                              accuracy or completeness. Shimadzu does not assume any responsibility or liability for any damage, whether direct or indirect, relating to the
                                              use of this publication. This publication is based upon the information available to Shimadzu on or before the date of publication, and subject
                                              to change without notice.                                                                         © Shimadzu Corporation, 2012
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