Page 84 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 84

4. Pharmaceutical

            Co-Sense for Impurities                             Nexera-i

            L440             LC/MS/MS analysis of impurities in    L494         Analysis of omeprazole by i-Series for USP
                           active pharmaceutical ingredients using            and JP methods
                           the co-sense for impurities system
            Nexera UC SFC
                                                                L466            Analysis of impurities in new-generation
            L495             Automated optimization of chiral                 antidepressants by Prominence-i
                           separation parameters using Nexera UC   L478         High-speed analysis of impurities of prami-
                           chiral screening system                            pexole dihydrochloride by Prominence-i

            Nexera UC SFE-SFC                                   Prominence-UV

            L499             Application of online SFE-SFC-PDA for   L456       Ion analysis in drugs (part 3) determination
                           cleaning validation                                of counterions (cations) by ion chromato-
                                                                L457            Ion analysis in drugs (part 4) determination
            Nexera X2-PDA                                                     of counterions (anions) by ion chromato-
            SCA_190_022      Analysis of amoxicillin and cefotaxime  L504       Analysis of ions in drugs (part 5) analysis
                                                                              of organic acid counterions by ion exclu-
                                                                              sion chromatography
            Nexera X2-RID

            L489             Analysis of mannitol using RID-20A
                           differential index detector

            Nexera X2-UV

            L448             Ultra-high speed analysis of ibuprofen
                           by Nexera in accordance with USP 621
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