Page 85 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 85


            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         LC/MS/MS Analysis of Impurities in Active Pharmaceutical

                                         Ingredients Using the Co-Sense for Impurities System

            Detection of impurities in active pharmaceutical                Table 1  Analytical Conditions
            ingredients (APIs) is often conducted using an HPLC-UV   Column (Ⅰ)   :  Shim-pack VP-ODS (150 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 4.6 µm)
            method. However, qualitative and quantitative analysis   Mobile Phase   :  Methanol / 50 mmol/L Phosphate buffer pH7.0 (3/2)
            of impurities requires not only the separation of the   Flowrate   :  1.0 mL/min
            impurities from the major component, but also       Column Temp.   :  30 °C
                                                                Injection Volume :  20 µL
            separation among impurities themselves. The time and   Detection (A)   :  UV 290 nm
            effort required to establish effective analytical
            conditions for this type of analysis are significant.   MS detection requires analysis to be conducted using a
            Furthermore, the source of the impurity, whether it be   volatile mobile phase. Flow lines with volatile additives
            the sample itself or some external factor associated   in Fig. 1 are shown in blue (trap) and green (2
            with a particular lot, must also be determined.    separation).
            Here we demonstrate analysis of an impurity in an API   In the analysis, valve A of Fig. 1 is switched during the
            using the 2-dimensional LC/MS/MS separation feature   elution of the impurity peak from the red flow line. The
            of the Co-Sense for Impurities System.             impurity peak is introduced into the blue-colored flow
                                                               line, where it is mixed with volatile mobile phase and
            n LC/MS Analysis of an Impurity Peak               concentrated on column (Ⅱ). Then, valve B is switched
            Here we conducted measurement of a sample solution   for elution and separation on column (Ⅲ) with volatile
            of rabeprazole sodium (1 mg/mL) according to the   mobile phase in the green flow line. The analytical
            method specified in the Japanese Pharmacopeia. The   conditions for that process are shown in Table 2.
            analytical conditions are shown in Table 1. The Co-
            Sense for Impurities system with the configuration              Table 2  Analytical Conditions
            shown in Fig. 1 was used, and analysis was conducted   Column (Ⅱ)   : STR-ODSⅡ (10 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 µm)
            using the red-colored segment of the flow line. The LC-  Mobile Phase   : 100 mmol/L Ammonium Acetate
                                                                           : 5.0 mL/min
            UV chromatogram is shown in Fig. 2.
                                                                Column (Ⅲ)   : Shim-pack XR-ODS (50 mm L. × 2.0 mm I.D., 2.2 µm)
                                                                Mobile Phase   : Methanol / 10 mmol/L Ammonium Acetate (3/2)
                                                                Flowrate   : 0.2 mL/min
                              Detector A
                       Autosampler   Valve A                    Detection (B)   : LCMS-8030 (ESI)
                                         Drain                 We conducted MS measurement in scan mode of
                                     ColumnⅡ                   impurity peak A (peak area approximately 0.06 % of
                       PumpⅡ                                   the API peak) with an approximate retention time of
                                                               6.8 minutes as shown in Fig. 2, and the mass
                                                               chromatograms of m/z 394.1, m/z 508.2 and m/z
                  Detector B                                   569.2 using electrospray ionization in positive mode are
                                                 PumpⅢ         shown in Fig. 3. These peaks showed nearly identical
                                      Valve B
                          ColumnⅢ                              elution patterns when using direct LC/MS analysis of
                                                               the sample solution. However, using the 2-dimensional
                                                               enhanced separation, three impurity peaks (IM1 – IM3)
                            Fig. 1  Flow Diagram               were all separately distinguishable.
                         1                  Peaks                 1:TIC(+)
                                            1. Rabeprazole         1:394.05(+)
                                            2. Impurity-A          1:569.25(+)

               0.0  1.0  2.0  3.0  4.0  5.0  6.0  7.0  8.0  9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 min  0.0  2.5  5.0  7.5  10.0  12.5  15.0  17.5  min

                 Fig. 2  LC-UV Chromatogram of Rabeprazole Sodium    Fig. 3 Mass Chromatograms of Impurity-A Peak
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