Page 6 - 4_TOC special applications
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            For this determination, proven methods are          During  this  process,  most  of  the  generated
            available. First, the dry matter (DM) of the        carbon dioxide was also removed. The final
            liquid manure is determined at 105 °C.  The         solution  is  subsequently transferred into the
            dried liquid manure is subsequently annealed        autosampler  vials  of  the  analyzer  and
            to a constant mass at 550 °C in a muffle            automatically analyzed. For this purpose, a
            furnace. The loss of mass during  annealing         small fraction is injected onto the 720 °C hot
            corresponds to the organic content of the           platinum catalyst.  The organic  substances
            liquid manure. The ratio of methane gas             are then converted into carbon dioxide and
            concentration     and     organic     content       measured using an NDIR detector.
            corresponds  to  the  biogas  production  yield
            (fermentation)  and  is  a  key  criterion  for  the   The advantage of this alternative method lies
            fermentation of different types of biomass and      in its suitability for automation. This way,
            for  the  assessment  of  the  efficiency  of       many     samples     can    be     processed
            fermentation processes.                             automatically in sequence.
                                                                With the possibility of multiple injections, the
            ■ Innovative methods                                method also offers statistical reliability. In the
            In order to avoid long annealing times for the      muffle furnace, a combusted weighed sample
            ODM determination, an alternative method for        yields  an  ODM  value.  The  suspensions  are
            the  determination  of  the  organic  substance     generally analyzed at least  four times to
            was  sought.  The  TOC  suspension  method          establish a mean value.
            was considered suitable for this purpose. The
            dried   sample    was    weighed    into   an
            Erlenmeyer flask and mixed with hydrochloric
            acid to convert the inorganic carbon                ■NPOC-Determination
            compounds, such as carbonates and                   For the determination of the organic content
            hydrocarbonates,  to  carbon  dioxide.  In  the     in liquid manure (duplicate determination from
            next step,  a dispersion device was used to         two different approaches with  each 5
            break up and homogenize the suspension.             separate  injections)  yielded  the  following
                                                                  Liquid manure      NPOC          RSD
                                                                    (dried and      [mass.-         [%]
                                                                    powdered)          %]
                                                                     Sample 1         44,1          0,8
                                                                      Sample 1        44,2          1,9
                                                                     Sample 2         44,2          1,6
                                                                     Sample 2         42,5          1,4

                                                                 Signal[mV]  600

                                                                     0            5             10           15

                                                                         Fig. NPOC-Peaks of suspension
                   Fig. Homogenisation of the suspension
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11