Page 21 - 3_Chemical industry
P. 21

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         TOC – Determination in diluted hydrofluoric


            Hydrofluoric acid is the only acid that attacks     ■ TOC determination
            glass  (glass  etching).  Because  of  this         In the  following measurement, a 4%
            chemical  property,  it  plays  a  distinct  role  in   hydrofluoric acid was manually diluted to 1:10
            several industrial processes, for instance in       with water and measured using the TOC-
            the manufacturing of solar cells and wafers         L CPH.  Given  the  acidity  of  the  hydrofluoric
            as    well  as   in   microchip   production.       acid, the IC content can be neglected. With
            Hydrofluoric  acid  is  the  most  widely  used     regard to the dilution, the solution was slightly
            etching agent in the semiconductor industry.        acidified and sparged  for 3 minutes. The
                                                                NPOC was subsequently determined by
                                                                means of combustion oxidation.

                                                                An aliquot of the sample is injected onto a hot
                                                                (680 °C) platinum catalyst. The organic
                                                                substances are converted to CO 2 and
                                                                detected via an NDIR detector.

                                                                ■ Calibration
                                                                Due to mostly working in a small measuring
                                                                range, calibration was carried out in a range
                                                                of 0.25 mg/L – 5.0 mg/L. For dilutions, the

            When  carrying  out  etching  processes,  it  is    automatic  dilution  function  of  the  TOC-L
            important to ensure that the etching agent          system  was  applied.  The  injection  volume
            used will etch the respective layers and not        was 150 µL respectively.
            leave any contaminants.

            This  raises  questions  on  the  impurities  of                         Kal. Kurve
            etching  agents,  where  both  the  purity  of  the    69,047
            starting acid and that of the etching solutions        50
            after the etching process are of interest.             40
            To  determine  the  degree  of  contamination,         30
            the TOC parameter is particularly suitable, as         20
            it is a sum parameter that detects all organic         10
            carbon compounds.                                      0   0      1      2      3      4      5  5,5
                                                                        Figure: Calibration curve, TC 5 mg/L.
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