Page 23 - 3_Chemical industry
P. 23

Sum parameters – Total Organic Carbon

                                        Combined TOC and TNb determination

                                        in hydrogen peroxide solution (H2O2)

            No.  SCA-130-311

                                                                commercially available H2O2 solutions, creat-
            Hydrogen  peroxide  (H2O2)  is  a  mostly  odor-
            less, colorless liquid which could be described     ing a wide range of available purity levels for
            simply  as  water  with  an  additional  oxygen     various applications.
            atom attached. This additional oxygen atom is
                                                                The level of purity required in the various in-
            keeping  the  molecule  barely  together  in  the
                                                                dustrial fields is becoming increasingly higher,
            so-called peroxide bond, but defines its large
                                                                a strong example being the semiconductor in-
            variety of uses in chemistry as a potent oxidiz-
                                                                dustry.  To  determine  the  purity  of  hydrogen
            ing agent. As the only byproducts of its reac-
                                                                peroxide  solutions,  combined  TOC  and  TNb
            tions are water and oxygen, it can be consid-
                                                                measurement is an effective tool, as meaning-
            ered  environmentally  friendly  when  used
                                                                ful results can be obtained within minutes.
                                                                ■ TOC / TNb determination
                                                                In the following measurements, a 30% hydro-
                                                                gen peroxide solution was measured using a
                                                                Shimadzu TOC-L CPH with TNM-L module.
                                                                Calibration of the system was carried out using
                                                                the automatic dilution function within a range
                                                                of 10 – 50 mg/L TOC and 1 – 10mg/L TNb.

                                                                                  Calibration  Curve
            ■ Economic importance of H2O2
            Hydrogen  peroxide  is  frequently  used  as  a        Area
            bleaching  agent  of  pulp,  natural  fiber  and        40
            chemical fibers in both industrial and house-
            hold  applications.  In  water  treatment,  in  so          0     10    20  Conc[mg/L]  40  50  55
            called  UVOX-processes  (UV  and Oxidation),
                                                                 Fig.1: TOC Multi-point calibration with dilution function
            UV radiation causes the formation of hydroxyl
            radicals that are used to decompose organic         The  undiluted  hydrogen  peroxide  solution  is
            impurities in drinking water. Additionally, it is   placed  in  the  autosampler  in  septum-sealed
            used  in  the  synthesis  of  chemical  materials,   40mL vials. The sample is then acidified and
            pharmaceuticals,  as  rocket  propellant,  disin-   sparged out to remove inorganic carbon and
            fectant, in metal surface treatment and many        CO2 using the external sparge kit (NPOC de-
            more.                                               termination). An undiluted aliquot of the sam-
            Hydrogen peroxide tends to decompose into           ple is injected onto a hot (720°C) platinum cat-
            water  and  oxygen  with  increasing  pH  value,    alyst.  Organic  substances  are  converted  to
            but especially when coming into contact with        CO2 and detected using a NDIR detector. At
            metal  surfaces,  causing  a  catalytic  reaction.   the same time, nitrogen compounds are con-
            That  is  why  stabilizers  (organophosphorus       verted to NO and detected by a chemilumines-
            compounds  and  others)  are  being  added  to      cence detector.
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