Page 19 - 3_Chemical industry
P. 19

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         TOC determination in phosphoric acid

            No.  SCA-130-309

            Phosphoric acid is one of the most frequently       because the  phosphoric  acid  damages  the
            used inorganic acids in industrial applications.    combustion tube and the catalyst.
            It is applied as starting material for the          Due to this, the wet chemical TOC method is
            manufacture      of     phosphate-containing        used to measure TOC in phosphoric acid.
            fertilizers as well as for the production of
            water-softening agents such as detergent            ■ Wet-chemical UV oxidation at 80 °C
            additives.                                          The determination of the TOC content in
            Phosphoric  acid  is  also  used  in  the  food     phosphoric  acid  is  carried  out  via  wet-
            industry – as acidification agent and               chemical UV oxidation using Shimadzu’s
            preservative in beverages or as antioxidant in      TOC-V WP.
            meats and meat products.

                                                                Its core technology is the powerful oxidation
                                                                applying  a  combination  of  sodium  persulfate
                                                                and UV oxidation at 80 °C. This ensures that
                                                                all  dissolved   carbon    compounds      are
            Particularly for these types of applications, it
            is important to apply acids that are pure and       converted to CO 2.

            free  from  foreign  substances.  Manufacturers
            and processors of phosphoric acids are              In the presence of persulfate  ions and UV
                                                                illumination, OH-radicals are formed which
            increasingly  using  the  TOC  (Total  Organic
            Carbon)  sum  parameter  for  quality  control.     have  a  strong  oxidative  effect  and  convert
                                                                organic compounds to carbon  dioxide. A
            This parameter is a measure of the                  carrier gas transports the carbon dioxide
            contamination of phosphoric acids by organic        formed to the NDIR detector where they are
            components.                                         detected.
            The TOC  method by using the catalytic
            combustion     is  not    suitable  for   the
            determination     of     phosphoric     acid,
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