Page 18 - LifeScience Solution for Lipid and Lipidome
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Analysis of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters by GC

              Data                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Subcutaneous Tissue  Mass Imaging of
                                                                                                                                      An epidemiological survey in the 1970s revealed that the indigenous Inuit
                                                                                                                                      population in Greenland, which has a primary diet of seals and other marine
                  After derivatizing fatty acids into fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs), the   GC Analytical Conditions (General)      animals, had a much lower death rate from cardiovascular disease than Danish
                  components are separated and detected by gas chromatography. A variety of   Model  : GC-2010                        people.                                                                                                  Analysis of
                  liquid phase columns with different polarities are available for GC analysis of   Inj.Temp.  : 250°C                Furthermore, it was found that the Inuit blood contained high levels of                                    Comprehensive
                  fatty acids, which can be selected for use based on the target components   Carrier Gas : He 25 cm/sec              eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), large amounts which are contained in the fat of                           Glycerophospholipids
                                                                                       (Constant Linear Velocity Mode)
                  being separated. Figs. 1 and 2 show examples of using FAMEWAX (chemically   Split Ratio  : 1 : 25                   fish and seals. This sparked an interest in fatty acids. The epidemiological
                  bonded polyethylene glycol) and BPX70 (70% cyanopropyl                                                              survey indicated that consuming large amounts of EPA might prevent
                  polysilphenylene-siloxane) columns and an FID detector to separate and detect                                       cardiovascular diseases. *
                  components in a standard mixture containing 37 FAMEs.                                                               In addition to inhibiting the production of various eicosanoids from arachidonic
                                                                                                                                      acid, Omega-3 fatty acids are also converted to a type of eicosanoid that is less
                                                                                                                                      likely to cause blood platelet aggregation or inflammation than eicosanoids                            Technology
                            C6:0  C8:0  C10:0  C12:0  C14:0  C16:0  C18:0  C18:1n9t+C18:1n9c                                          from arachidonic acid. Consequently, omega-3 fatty acids are presumed to be                              Supercritical Fluid   Lipid Analysis Using
                                                                                                                                      effective at reducing blood platelet aggregation and inflammation caused by
                                                                                                                                      eicosanoids derived from arachidonic acid.
                                   C11:0  C13:0  C14:1  C15:0  C15:1  C16:1  C17:0  C17:1  C18:2n6t  C18:2n6c  C18:3n6  C18:3n3  C20:0  C20:1n9  C20:2n6 C20:3n6  C21:0  C20:4n6  C20:3n3  C22:0  C22:1n9  C22:2n6  C23:0  C24:0  C22:6n3  * Lancet. 1978 Jul 15;2(8081):117–9  Analysis of


                                                                                                                                            Advanced Flow Technology                                                                           Glycerophospholipids
                          2.5  5.0  7.5  10.0  12.5  15.0  17.5  20.0  22.5  25.0  27.5  30.0  32.5  35.0  min
                                                                                                                                            Shimadzu’s proprietary Advanced Flow Technology products offer the ultimate in advanced gas flow control and flow switching
                        Column : FAMEWAX 30 m × 0.25 mm I.D.  df : 0.25 µm        Column Temp : 130 ˚C (0 min) – -230 ˚C at 5 ˚C/min
                                                                                                                                            technology. In addition to further shortening analysis times and improving productivity, a family of high-sensitivity detectors is
                                     Fig. 1   Example of Using a FAMEWAX Column to Analyze a 37-FAME Standard Mixture                       available to assist in reliably separating and quantitating even ultra-trace substances in a wide range of fields.  Blood Serum  Analysis of Lipid

                                                                                                                                            GC-2010 Plus systems not only offer high reproducibility, they also feature a line of FPD, FID, and other detectors with sensitivity   Mediators in Human
                                                                                                                                            levels that are among the highest in the world to enable analyzing trace quantities with high reliability and high precision.
                           C6:0  C8:0  C10:0  C12:0  C14:0   C16:0   C18:0  C18:1n9c  C20:0  C20:4n6  C22:0  C24:0                          These gas chromatograph systems also offer high-speed oven cooling, backflushing, and other features that can dramatically reduce
                                                                                                                                            analysis times and improve analytical productivity.

                                     C11:0   C13:0   C14:1  C15:0  C15:1  C16:1  C17:0  C17:1  C18:1n9t  C18:2n6t  C18:2n6c  C18:3n6  C18:3n3  C20:1n9  C21:0  C20:2n6  C20:3n6  C20:3n3  C22:1n9  C20:5n3  C23:0  C22:2n6  C24:1  C22:6n3     of Glycolipids  Structural Analysis

                        5.0   7.5  10.0  12.5  15.0  17.5  20.0  22.5  25.0  27.5  30.0  32.5  35.0  37.5  min
                        Column : BPX70  60 m × 0.22 mm I.D.  df : 0.25 µm        Column Temp : 120 ˚C (0 min) – -250 ˚C at 3 ˚C/min                                                                                                          Content of Human ES Cells  Composition in Overall Lipid   Analysis of Fatty Acid
                                      Fig. 2   Example of Using a BPX70 Column to Analyze a 37-FAME Standard Mixture

                                                                                                                                                                               Capillary Gas Chromatograph
                                                                                                                                                                                 GC-2010 Plus                                                Esters by GC  Acid Methyl   Analysis of Fatty

                  Reference: Application News No. G252 “Analysis of 37 FAMEs using 6 Types of Capillary Columns” (LAAN-A-G-E013)            Reference: GC-2010 Plus brochure (C184-E019)

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