Page 11 - Clinical-MedicalSolution for Medical Chemistry
P. 11

Open Solution Analytical

 Open Access LCMS System

 Compound identi cation  Specialized software not required

 Specifying the molecular weight of the target compound in the Sample Log-in screen enables easy identi cation of the target   Launch the Data Browser and review results from any PC connected to the Open Solution Analytical network. There is no need to
 compound in the Data Browser.  install any specialized software on each PC.*
            * Free software provided by Microsoft  should be installed.
 Remote data review
 Once data acquisition is completed, the software automatically sends an e-mail containing a URL to a quantitative results report   LAN
 in the Data Browser, allowing chemists to check their results remotely. The user has full functionality  - even peak data processing
 and peak integration can be performed.
 Automatic LC management                ×
 A built-in software function allows a user to automatically wash the  ow line after each sample analysis, even when using   Of ce
 multiple LC columns, to prevent damage to or contamination of the LC column. An additional feature makes it possible to set a
 speci c timeframe or day of the week to start up the system in preparation for analysis.

              Monitor target compounds                           Peak integration

 4 min.  Editing a sample list  The chromatogram peak is highlighted in green when the   Peaks may be easily added to or deleted from the LC/PDA
 Display sample's
 status by color  Login screen   target compound is found. The MS spectrum in the peak is   chromatogram, which can be magni ed, in the browser
 time for  (complete,   followed by   processed and the index of the spectral integrity is shown in   window. Processing can be performed via simple mouse
 analysis  analysis in   Analysis screen.
 progress, etc.)  the peak annotation.                         commands, allowing users remote access to basic
                                                               chromatographic analysis.

                                          The possibility of
                UV chromatogram
                                          impurities contamination
 Login  Registration sample info          is low since the value is      Magnify
                                          near 1.
 E-mail noti cation
                MS chromatogram (+)    The target compound
 Analysis                              peaks on the chromatograms
                                       are green in color.
 Remote data review                                                                         Add peaks by dragging
 Easily submit a sample  MS chromatogram (-)
                                        The spectra of target
 LC chromatogram                        compounds are highlighted
 After log-in, submit a sample and perform analysis on the same screen   on the spectrum browser.
 as sample registration. After the data acquisition is  nished, the
 MS chromatogram (+)
 software automatically sends an e-mail with a URL to the quantitative
 results report.  The progress of the analysis and queue time is shown
 MS chromatogram (-)  in the Sample Log-in window for easy veri cation of system status.

 Remote data review   MS spectrum          UV spectrum

 Review results remotely by clicking the link in the automatically
 generated e-mail to open the Data Browser. The user has full
 functionality - even peak data processing and peak integration can
 be performed.

                                                                       Solutions for Medicinal Chemistry
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