Page 14 - Clinical-MedicalSolution for Medical Chemistry
P. 14


            Ultra Fast Preparative and Purification LC System

            When developing new drugs, structural analysis of impurities and metabolites is a critical process.                         Puri cation solution simpli es settings related to preparative puri cation
            Analyzing the structure of target components in the fractionated liquids obtained after puri cation of
                                                                                                                                      The special Puri cation Solution software is equipped with peak tracking functions that enable the target peaks and fractionate
            synthesized substances using a preparative LC system is time-consuming. In addition, it is dif cult to
                                                                                                                                      and be checked at a glance.
            recover target components with high purity.
               However, using the UFPLC system, all preparative processes can be performed online, from                                                                                     Chromatogram
            fractionation to concentration, puri cation, and recovery, which can signi cantly reduce the time                                                                               Individual fraction peaks are color-coded.
            required for preparative puri cation. In addition, using Shimadzu's unique trap concentration and                                                                               Trap Column
            puri cation technology, trace components included in synthesized substances can be recovered at high                                                                            Trap columns are displayed with the same color as their corresponding
            concentrations and with high purity. Due to the high volatility of the organic solvents used to recover                                                                         faction peaks.
            target components, the solvents can be evaporated and components dried in less than one tenth the time                                                                          Fraction Collector
            of previous systems.                                                                                                                                                            This displays which vial in the fraction collector was used to collect the
               Furthermore, using a rinse solution to rinse away counter ions means target components can be                                                                                eluate recovered from the trap column.
            recovered as a high-purity free base. Consequently, it signi cantly improves the quality of new drug                                                                            Elution Chromatogram
            discovery research, such as for ef cacy screening and pharmacokinetic testing for drug candidates                                                                               The chromatogram range is color-coded in accordance with the trap
            affected by counter ions.                                                                                                                                                       column and fraction collector vial display colors.

                                                      Isolates fraction containing
                                                     target peaks and concentrates                                                      Applications
                                                         it in a trap column

                                                                                                                                        Removal of salts in the mobile phase solvent     400 mAu
                                                                           Removes impurities and                                                                                             Trapping column 1                     Prep LC
                                                                                pair ions                                               Removal of ammonium                                   Trapping column 2  Valerophenone
                                                                                                                                        chloroacetate salts from ibuprofen               300  Trapping column 3
            compounds                                                                        Elutes components using                  Ibuprofen, the target component, is cleaned by retention in a   200                       Ammonium
                                                                                                organic solvent                       trap column. As a result, the ammonium chloroacetate salts   100  Ibuprofen             Chloroacetate Salts
            Pair ion                 concentration                                                                                    contained in the mobile phase solvent were removed. This can   0                               UFPLC
            (ex TFA)                                                                                                                  prevent the retention of salts contained in the mobile phase   0.0  2.5  5.0  7.5   min
                                                                                                                                      solvent during powderization, so that only the target     Preparative Chromatogram for
                Sample containing                       Puri cation                                                                                                                         Ibuprofen and Analogous Substances (UFPLC)
                target components                                                                                                     component is recovered.                                                                    Ibuprofen
                                                                                                                                        Heightening the ef ciency of enrichment puri cation for trace components
                                                                                                                                        High speed powderization of cyclosporine A
                                                                                                                                      The target compound fraction is repeatedly injected into the trap column, enriched by trapping, and eluted by an organic solvent.
                                                                                                                                      This enables recovery with a smaller volume of liquid, so subsequent powderization can be performed in a shorter time. In this
                                                                                                                                      way, the same volume of powdered sample can be puri ed in a shorter time versus elution in reverse phase conditions.

                                                                                             Recovery of target                       Comparison of Preparative LC and UFPLC Fractionation  15 minutes
                                                                                             compounds in                                                                             5 cycles            290 minutes
                                                                                             high-purity liquid                         Fraction of   Fraction vol.  Fraction conc.  Drying time*  Preparative  Preparative        Total:
                                                                                                                                       Cyclospolin A  (mL)  (mg/mL)  (min)            Work                Powderization
                                                                                                                                                                                  LC                                               365 minutes
                                                                                                                                         Prep LC   62.5     0.04      290
                                                                                                                                         UFPLC     8.10     0.29      70        UFPLC  Preparative  Enrichment  Powderization  Total: 160 minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                      Work  Purification
                                                                                                                                      * Comparison of drying times when a centrifugation enrichment dryer is used  15 minutes 15 minutes  70 minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                      5 cycles
                                                                                                                                                                                      Comparison of Procedural Times for Typical Preparative LC and UFPLC
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Solutions for Medicinal Chemistry
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