Page 13 - Clinical-Medical Physical Properties of Biomaterial
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Evaluation of Medical Equipment  A broad array of materials is used in medical equipment. These include metals for catheters, guide
              Mechanical Evaluation of Medical Equipment
 Evaluation of Biological Samples  Medical equipment is classified by the risk of a defect occurring as follows:   ensure the functionality, performance, and safety of their products. The   bandages. They are also used in various environments: some materials are used after sterilization and   Evaluation of Biological Samples
            wires, and needles; plastics, films, and other resin materials; and textile materials typified by

            other treatments; some are used repeatedly; and others are disposed of after single use. The AGS
            Series of Table-Top Precision Universal Testers are all-purpose testers that can be used in a variety of
 assessment of strength properties through physical testing is one such
 general medical equipment including scalpels, scissors, X-ray film, and external
            situations, from research and development of such materials to quality control.
 important item.
 diagnostic equipment such as blood analysis equipment; controlled medical
 Evaluation of the mechanical properties of variously shaped medical
 equipment including catheters for the gastrointestinal tract, dental alloys and
 electronic endoscopes; and specially controlled medical equipment including
 equipment requires the use of jigs suited to each piece of equipment. Here,
                    Left) Jog controller
 orthopedic implants, balloon catheters, contact lenses and stent grafts.
 we will introduce practical testing equipment selected from Shimadzu's
                            Control of the crosshead position is at your fingertips.
 Medical equipment manufacturers implement a variety of evaluations to
 diverse portfolio.
                    Right) Multipurpose tray
                              This can be used for a variety of applications, from
                                                                                        Autograph AGS Series
                              arranging test samples to placing jigs.               Table-Top Precision Universal Tester
 Mechanical Evaluation of Injection Needles and Injectors
 Pharmaceutical manufacturers need to measure the force required when injecting medical liquids from injection needles and injectors.   Tensile Testing of Surgical Tubes
 It is important that the force with which liquid medicine is injected when the plunger moves be maintained within a suitable range. In
 Evaluation of Biomaterials  average test force value and the peak test force at specific positions of plunger displacement. Such values are significantly affected by   tubes (liquid delivery tubes), and injections. Their shape and size vary significantly, and there are dozens   Evaluation of Biomaterials
 tests for this type of evaluation, in addition to collecting data on extrusion force versus time, it is also necessary to measure the
            Surgical tubes are used for a variety of surgical procedures and applications including drainage, feed
 the material from which the injector is constructed, as well as sterilization treatments, and the viscosity of the medical liquid.
            of connectors and accessories. If a defect occurs, the patient will be put at risk; therefore, determining
            the mechanical properties of surgical tubes extremely important. Test requirements involve material
 The Shimadzu EZTest Compact Table-Top Universal Tester and TRAPEZIUM X software are capable of
            defects, junction defects, and physiological parameter simulations. To this end, material/final product
 performing such mechanical evaluations quickly and easily.
 Evaluations are possible with respect to injection force, which indicates the force required to start the injection
            tensile strength, durability and friction properties are measured.
 of the liquid medicine (i.e. the initial injector press), as well as continuous force, which indicates the force
            Regardless of the test application, in order to obtain accurate measurement values, it is important that
 required to maintain an even flow after the medical liquid is extruded from the injector.
            tubes themselves, and to evaluations of the connection strength between tubes and accessories.
 Three-Point Bending Testing of Ampoules  the tube is suitably gripped. This applies both to the evaluation of the mechanical properties of surgical
            Tensile Testing of Catheters
 Injectable drug and medical liquid containers must sterilized and stable with respect to the
 Evaluation of Medical Equipment  the storage of medical liquids, but also on the ease of transportation and handling.   they eliminate bodily fluids, or inject or drip liquid medicines or contrast media. In addition, medical treatments are   Pneumatic flat grips  Extensometer for Soft Samples  Evaluation of Medical Equipment
 drug. Glass ampoules and vials are common, but in recent years, the number of plastic
            Catheters are hollow flexible tubes applied for medical purposes. They are inserted into the thoracic cavity, the abdominal
 containers has increased. Their strength properties have a significant effect not only on
            cavity and other body cavities, as well as the gastrointestinal tract, urinary duct and other ducts or blood vessels, where
 Ampoule breakage strength is measured by bending tests. Vials are subjected to
            performed by passing intravascular enlarging stents and balloons, and embolization coils through catheters.
 compression tests, and vial stoppers are subjected to needle penetration tests. In such
            The operability of catheters is significantly affected by their mechanical properties, such as a lack of intra-tubular flexion,
 tests, it is important to use test jigs suited to the sample.
            and whether torsion is accurately transmitted in order to change direction via guide wires. Tensile tests are typically
            performed, where pneumatic grips are recommended to grip samples accurately. Even samples that become thinner as
            tension is applied can be accurately gripped all the way to the breakage point. More accurate measurement values are
 Strength Testing of Injection Needles
            obtained by using the SES-1000 extensometer for soft samples.
 Several tests are performed to evaluate the mechanical properties of injection needles. In
 elasticity tests, a cantilever force is applied to the needle for one minute to evaluate whether the
 needle returns to the horizontal position. In bending tests, the center of the needle shaft is bent
 90 degrees to examine whether it breaks. In pulling tests, the needle is pulled out from its base.  Tensile Testing of Bandages and Textile Materials
            Bandages function to stop bleeding through compression of wounds, and to absorb blood and pus using highly moisture-absorbent
 Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals and Packaging  Contact lenses are currently used by millions of people. More popular than eyeglasses, they are prescribed to   uniform clamping pressure while preventing the application of unnecessary force.    Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals and Packaging
 The tests must be performed with suitable test jigs, and the EZTest Compact Table-Top Universal
            cotton. For this reason, a suitable tensile strength is required, and the bandage must be elastic enough to compress the affected part and
 Tester is recommended for accurate test force measurements and deflection measurements.
            to hold other medical instruments in place.
            Individual fibers can be tested at constant test conditions by using capstan type grips (also used for tensile tests of hair) to maintain a
 Evaluating the Mechanical Properties of Contact Lenses
            Tensile Testing of Silicon Rubber and Other Soft Materials
 correct a variety of vision problems, and are manufactured in a variety of styles ranging from hard to soft lenses.
 Contact lenses must withstand repeated daily usage, so suitable strength is required. For this reason, tensile and
            In the therapeutic arena, a variety of rubber products and thin resin materials such as
 compression tests are performed.
            silicon rubber are widely used. The TRViewX Video Type Non-Contact Extensometer is
 Soft contact lens material slips easily, is delicate, and is damaged by very small forces. When performing contact
 lens tensile tests, the sample grip method and the limited grip area can cause problems. When testing in air, the
            samples. Since extension is measured without contact, displacement is measured
            accurately all the way to the breakage point, without being subjected to unnecessary
 material may dry and crack, so contact lens tests are performed in environments simulating physiological
 conditions.  optimal for accurate extension measurements in tensile tests of soft stretchable   Video Type Non-Contact Extensometer
            loads. Measurements of displacement in the width direction are also possible.
                                                                                        Physical Property Testing Equipment
                                                                                    for Biomaterials and Medical Applications
 12                                                                                               Solutions for Biomedical Testing  13
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