Page 15 - Clinical-Medical Physical Properties of Biomaterial
P. 15

Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals and Packaging  Most tablets and capsules are packaged with a combination of aluminum or other thin metals and
              PTP Packaging Evaluations
 Evaluation of Biological Samples  Medicinal agents are administered in a variety of forms including tablets,   and visibility.  functions to protect tablets and capsules. Accordingly, quality control is necessary to ensure that the   Evaluation of Biological Samples
            plastic. This sort of packaging is referred to as PTP (press through package) or a PTP sheet. It

            packaging does not come unstuck indiscriminately, and that the medicine is not hard to extrude.
 Pharmaceuticals, packaging, and materials manufacturers use testing equipment
 capsules, granules, and liquids. Storage containers also vary from glass to plastic,
 for quality control and new product development. The applications include the
 and are used in response to respective applications. Pharmaceuticals and
 development of materials, evaluation of the result of sterilization, and evaluation
 packaging are manufactured with attention to even the smallest aspects,
 of physical properties such as the force required to open the packaging.
 including functionality, ease of conveyance and removal, ease of administration,
            Extrusion Testing of PTP Packaged Tablets
 Evaluating the Strength of Tablets
                                                                                           Tablet extrusion force 24.3 N
                                                                                     24 30 28 26  Tablet extrusion force 24.3 N
            PTP packaging extrusion tests involve evaluating the ease of use when a   22
 Tablets are solid pharmaceutical products, formed into a set shape by methods such as compression molding of active   20
            person removes the tablets. The PTP packaged tablet is pressed between top   18
 ingredients, or a combination of active ingredients and diluents. Tablets are portable, making it easy to administer a set dose,   Test force (N)  16 14
            and bottom plates with holes in them. The tablet is extruded from the top by   12
 and represent the most familiar method of administering medicine in our daily lives.  an extrusion jig, at which point the amount of jig movement and the test   10 8 6 4 2 0
 Evaluation of Biomaterials  Equipped with a wealth of testing functions, EZTest is a compact table-top universal tester that can be used for a variety of   Compact Table-Top Universal Testers  PTP packaged tablet's extrusion strength. The strength must be such that the   Test force (N) 2.8 4 0  End test force 0.3 N  2  2.4  End peeling force 3.0 N  Evaluation of Biomaterials
 With consideration to ease of handling and swallowing, most tablets weigh between 200 mg and 500 mg, and have a diameter
            force are measured. The maximum test force at this point is equivalent to the
 of about 8 mm to 15 mm. They come in a variety of shapes including disc-shaped, lens-shaped, and rod-shaped tablets.
                                                                                             Displacement (mm)
            tablet is easy to remove but is not extruded arbitrarily.
 testing applications, including evaluations of tablets, solder peeling strength measurements for electronic parts in medical
                                                                                                    End peeling force 3.0 N
 devices, and strength tests and peeling tests for packaging. Naturally, EZTest is compatible with various grips and extensometers,
 EZTest Series
 as well as testing in thermo-constant environments.
            Peeling Testing of PTP Packaging
                                                                                       End test force 0.3 N
            When medicines are transported, friction may lead the packaging to come
 Compression Testing and Score Line Strength Evaluation of Tablets
            unstuck. PTP packaging peeling tests simulate such circumstances. The PTP
            packaging peeling test is performed by unsticking a part of the PTP      1..6
 Many tablets are formed with a midline splitting groove to make them easier to swallow and for use with children. The depth of the depression is investigated to ensure that the   0 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
            packaging, and then gripping the peeling part and applying tension.              Displacement (mm)
 tablet can be split in half easily. Here, a three-point bending test jig is used to perform a three-point bending test on a tablet in order to measure the midline splitting strength.
 30  Tablet splitting test force 24.2 N  Adhesive bandages, a type of hygienic material used to prevent infections
 Tablet splitting test force 24.2 N
 Evaluation of Medical Equipment  Test force (N)  18 8 6 4 2 0  0  0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08  0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2  and the penetration of bacteria by adhering to an affected body part, are   Evaluation of Medical Equipment
              Tear Off and Tensile Testing of Adhesive Bandages
            classified as general medical equipment. A variety of evaluations is
            performed on bandages, which are an everyday part of our lives. These
            include adhesion to skin, ease of peeling, tensile strength, and the force
            required to open the packaging. In peeling tests, a bandage affixed to a
            stainless steel flat plate is peeled off at a 180° angle. Sometimes, peeling
 Displacement (mm)
 Tablet Compression Test
            same tests are also performed on compresses and other medical goods
            besides bandages that are affixed directly to the skin.
 Molding Test of Tablet Powder  Tablet Score Line Strength Test  tests are performed on bandages actually stuck to a person's skin. The
 Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals and Packaging  compressing the powder, the loading and compression speed must be controlled very accurately.  Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals and Packaging
 Tablets are produced through compression molding of pharmaceutical powders. When a tablet is molded, a set
              Strength Test of Packaging
 quantity of powder must be formed into a single tablet. It is also important that the tablet satisfies a number of
 functional conditions. For example, it must not break if dropped and must dissolve easily. Accordingly, when
 This test device is suitable for experimental determination of the affinity of particles, work load required for
 molding, and the influence of additives when molding powders, at different molding speeds and load levels.
 The test forces of the upper and lower mallets are individually
 detected by load cells, and the displacement between the
 upper and lower mallets is detected by the differential
 transformer detector. These enable effective data measure-
 ments with respect to molding powders, including wall
 friction and compression volume.
 Molding Property Test Device for Powder Samples   Piercing Test of Film  Compression Test of Containers  180° Peeling Test on Package Crimping  Press-Dispense Test of Tablets
                                                                                        Physical Property Testing Equipment
                                                                                    for Biomaterials and Medical Applications
 14                                                                                               Solutions for Biomedical Testing  15
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