Page 15 - Automotive Aerospace
P. 15

Examples of Applicable Standards

             ASTM D 3039 /D 3039M-07
             ASTM D 3518 /D 3518M-94
             ASTM D 5766 /D 5766M-11
            Static Tensile Testing of CFRP
            Tensile testing was performed on JIS K7073-1988 Type IV samples (strip sample
            with no tabs, fiber direction perpendicular to direction of tensile load), with an
                                                                                  Width sensor
            extensometer attached for strain measurement in tensile direction and a width   perpendicular   Extensometer in
                                                                                  to tensile direction  tensile direction
            sensor to measure strain perpendicular to the tensile direction.
            Poisson's ratio is approximately 0.3 for mild steel and 0.46 to 0.49 for elastic
            rubber. However, the value of 0.06 is an order of magnitude smaller for CFRP,                  Sample
            showing that its deformations are extremely low.
                                                                Before  After
                                                                 test  fracture

                             Stress (MPa)                        Stress (MPa)

                                          Tensile modulus calculated as 5.76 × 10 5  MP
                                          across 100 to 300 MPa stress range
                                                                             Poisson's ratio calculated as 6.0 × 10 -2
                                                                             across 100 to 300 MPa stress range

                                  Displacement gauge 1 (strain) (%)       Width sensor (mm)
                                   Stress – Strain Diagram     Stress – Width-Direction Displacement Diagram

             ASTM E1012
            Axial Adjustment for Testing
            Axial adjustment of the tester is extremely important to reduce the risk of breaking samples at the chuck
            during tensile testing of CFRP or GFRP. Axial adjustment is often a prerequisite for the stable acquisition of
            data for aircraft-grade CFRP.
            This axial adjustment system provides a test environment conforming to ASTM E1012, enhancing the
            reliability of the data.

            Axial Adjustment System
            The axial adjustment system uses an axial-center sensor, strain amplifier unit, and special axial adjustment
            software to adjust the inclination between grip centers and to adjust the axis in the horizontal direction.
            Eliminating bending stresses and lateral shear stresses on the sample ensures highly reliable data.

            Axial Adjustment Software
            When loads are applied to the special sample, this dedicated software reads the signals from the strain
            gauge attached to the sample. The axis can be adjusted by manual movements of the adjustment jig based
            on this information.

                                                                                         Testing and Evaluation Equipment
                                                                                              for the Aerospace Industry
                                                                                                  Solutions for Aerospace Testing  15
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