Page 10 - Automotive Aerospace
P. 10

Clarifying the Fatigue Fracture Mechanism

            The aging of today's commercial transport aircraft has caused the   transmission, to stop crack propagation or reduce propagation speed
            relationship between design life and safety to be reviewed, resulting in   until the crack is discovered during maintenance.
            the  introduction of the concept of damage-tolerant design.   Fatigue, endurance, and reliability testing must be performed on
                                                                                                                                                                                                        20 Hz General fatigue tester
            Damage-tolerant design involves the investigation of fatigue crack   materials subjected to pressure fluctuations due to repeated take-offs
                                                                                                                                                                                                             1 kHz Non-resonant fatigue testerɹ
            propagation speed, initiation sites, and method of inspection. In   and landings and high-altitude flight.
            practice, it is a method to design adequate residual strength, with
            respect to both single load transmission and multiple load                                                                                                                                      300 Hz High-cycle fatigue tester

            Observations of Fatigue Fracture Behavior Using an SEM Servo                                                                                                                                             20 kHz USF-2000
            Repeated loads applied during fatigue testing result in deformation of the test sample.
            Even small movements that can be ignored on a macro scale appear extremely large
            when magnified by a scanning electron microscope (SEM). SEM images synchronized
            with the sample deformation can be obtained by electrically moving the SEM
            field-of-view in synchronization with these movements. The jigs holding the sample are
            compact enough to be installed inside the SEM sample chamber. The compact heating
            unit permits programmed heating of samples up to 800ºC to support a variety of tests.

            /     ʷ       $ZDMFT     ŸN
                                                       Compact Test Jigs are Easily Installed in the SEM Sample Chamber
             F Fatigue Testing of SiC-Fiber-Ti-15-3    Com p ac t  Te s
                                                             Test Jigs are Easily Installed in the SEM Sample Chamber
            Composite Material at 823 K (550ºC)
             ASTM E339 / E1820E1820
             ASTM   E339   /
            Fracture Toughness Testing
            It is extremely important to design aircraft against fatigue. The pressure in the passenger   status.
            cabin applies loads to the airframe during high-altitude flight. These become fatigue loads   Special grips for compact test samples complying with ASTM standards, a COD bending
            that are applied cyclically during each take-off and landing cycle.   test jig, and a crack opening displacement gauge support the evaluation of a material's
            Fracture toughness testing involves applying static or dynamic loads to a notched sample   fracture toughness and crack propagation.
            to investigate the brittle crack initiation and propagation and the fracture conditions and

                                                                                             OD Test
                 CT Sample Grips and Clip Gauge
                                              Fatigue Toughness Testing with a Resistance Heating Testerr
                 CT Sample Grips and Clip Gauge  Fat igu e T oug hne e ss  Tes tin g w it h  a  Res ist anc e e  Heat ing  Teste  COD Test Jig
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