Page 14 - Cannabis&Hemp Industrial-Hemp-Brochure
P. 14

Seed: Foods

            Hemp seeds are an excellent source of nutrition and, thus, are very beneficial to human
            health. They are high in fiber, protein, vitamins, and the “good fats”, like Omega-3 and
            Omega-6 fatty acids.

            Hemp seeds contain all nine essential amino acids, and important vitamins (A, B, C, and E)
            and minerals (Ca, Mg, K, P). As a bonus, there are no known food allergens in hemp seeds.

            According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, a two-tablespoon
            serving of hemp seeds weighing 20 g contains 6.3 g protein, 9.8 g fat, and
            1.7 g carbohydrates (incl. 0.8 g fiber).

            The US FDA has classified hemp seeds as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe),
            indicating that hemp seeds are safe in foods and won’t require further approval.
            This FDA approval clears the way for hemp seeds and hemp seed oil to become
            part of mainstream cuisine.

            Currently, there are no official methods for hemp seed and hemp seed oil as food.
            Methods released on hemp analysis are primarily focused on cannabinoids
            (mostly CBD and THC).

            For nutritional analysis of hemp seeds and hemp seed oil, methods from other, similar seeds and oils can be used, e.g.,
            soy, chia, and castor. Shimadzu’s Advanced Food Solutions provide the analytical tools to identify and quantify the
            nutritional characteristics of hemp seeds.

            As hemp seeds find their way into our kitchen more frequently,
            more methods for hemp seeds analysis will be developed. And
            Shimadzu, with decades of experience serving the food sciences
            industry, can provide all the advanced and innovative analytical tools             Download our
            needed to fully characterize this superfood.                                       brochure for our
                                                                                               guide to instrumental
                                                                                               analysis in Food
                                                                                               Development or
                                                                                               request a printed
                                                                                               version using code

                                                                                               Download our
                                                                                               brochure to learn
                                                                                               more about the full
                                                                                               portfolio of food
                                                                                               testing instruments
                                                                                               from Shimadzu or
                                                                                               request a printed
                                                                                               version using code

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