Page 9 - Cannabis&Hemp Industrial-Hemp-Brochure
P. 9

Stalk: Natural Fiber Composites

            Tensile Testing

            Natural fiber composites combine plant fibers, such as hemp, with a polymer matrix to create materials with improved
            rigidity and strength and decreased weight. Composites made with natural fibers have potential advantages over glass
            and carbon fiber reinforcements in many applications due to the right balance of weight, cost, and performance in
            addition to generally having a much lower energy of production.

            They are already widely used in the automotive industry for interior panels such as doors and trunk liners and are
            expected to be incorporated into more components as their properties are improved. Bending and shear testing
            are important because composite strength can vary depending on the direction that force is applied. Natural fiber
            composites may also be more sensitive to humidity and temperature, so performing physical testing in thermal
            chambers is necessary.

             The AGX-V universal test frame offers the highest precision
             and control for accurate evaluation of composite mechanical
             properties. Specialized shear jigs are available to test the
             force required to separate the fibers and layers within the
             composites. Bending tests, performed on either a 3 or 4-point
             bend fixture, measure the rigidity of a material and induce
             both tensile and compressive forces to determine the force
             that causes a material to rupture. For high-force testing of
             cement, high-capacity hydraulic test frames are available.

               Stress (N/mm 2 )  60

                                                                                          3-point bending on a
                                                                                          Shimadzu Universal Testing
                  0    2    4    6   8    10   12   14   16  18
                                 Displacement (mm)
             The image above shows the results of a 3-point bending test
             performed on a composite material to determine flexural modulus.

                                                          Analytical & Testing Solutions for Industrial Hemp             9
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14