Page 6 - Cannabis&Hemp Industrial-Hemp-Brochure
P. 6

Stalk: Textiles

            UV-Vis-NIR Spectroscopy

            Analysis of Natural Illumination and Thermal Insulation
            A variety of functional materials, such as fabrics, are being developed
            for their thermal insulation properties as well as to provide natural
            lighting. It can be presumed that increasing transmittance and
            lowering reflectance produce illuminating properties, while lowering
            transmittance and increasing reflectance produce thermal insulation
            properties. Shown are transmission and reflectance spectra of fabrics
            utilizing Shimadzu’s UV-3600i Plus with the ISR-1503 integration sphere.

             Transmittance Spectra of Fabrics with UV-3600i  Reflectance Spectra of Fabrics with UV-3600i
             Black & Red: Designed for Natural Illumination  Black & Red: Designed for Natural Illumination
             Blue: Designed for Thermal Insulation     Blue: Designed for Thermal Insulation

            Analysis of Dye Colors
            Textile color is an important consideration when selecting and purchasing a product. Shimadzu’s full line of UV-Vis-NIR
            spectrophotometers are useful for analysis of dye colors through final product. Shimadzu’s compact UV-2600i (Double-
            Beam, Single Monochromator) and UV-2700i (Double-Beam, Double Monochromator) are universal, research-grade
            spectrophotometers that can be used in a wide range of fields for material characterization (solid/liquid), with the
            capability of measuring very high absorbing samples and expandability to 1400 nm.

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