Page 2 - Cannabis&Hemp Industrial-Hemp-Brochure
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Instruments and Equipment for the

            Testing and Analysis of Hemp &

            Hemp-Based Products

            Hemp in the United States and worldwide is a hot topic because of its green nature,
            sustainability, and zero or low carbon footprint. While it appears most of the hemp world has
            been flower-centric on the health benefits of cannabinoids and terpenes, this is only the tip of
            the iceberg with respect to applications. The entire plant, including flower, seed, stalk, leaves
            and root, has 50,000 different uses.

            According to Canada Hemp Food Ltd.,  the seeds may be used for industrial products, foods,
            and body care items. The stalk can be used for consumer textiles, industrial textiles, paper and
            building material. The leaves can be used for animal bedding, mulch, and composting. The
            roots can be used for organic composting, nutrients, and a remedy for other health conditions.
            For complete information on analysis of the hemp flower for cannabinoids, terpenes and
            contaminants, see Shimadzu’s “Hemp Testing Laboratory Solutions” brochure, which can be
            downloaded from, as well as many other related applications.

            This communication will present a limited number of the potential 50,000 different uses.
            However, Shimadzu is the only worldwide company able to provide analytical instruments,
            physical testing machines, and X-ray equipment for complete profiling of the hemp plant from
            development to the final product.

            1 Canada Hemp Foods Ltd.,

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