Page 15 - Food&Beverages Solution Palm Oil
P. 15

Gas Chromatograph (GC)  Gas Chromatograph (GC)

 Triglycerides  Pesticides

 Gas Chromatography (GC) can be used for analyzing the lipid or fatty acid content of a vegetable oil. Typically, GC is suitable for the   Cases have been reported of health problems due to foods contaminated with pesticides, and there is currently heightened interest in
 analysis of organic, non-ionic compounds that are vaporizable at 400ºC or less. Therefore, for the analysis of lipids in edible oils, normally   ensuring food safety. Using a detector with high selectivity for specific components, or a mass spectrometer highly capable of
 derivatization of the lipids into their more volatile derivatives is performed prior to GC analysis. However, GC can be used to analyze   qualitative analysis, is effective when analyzing trace components in foods and other samples in which there are many impurities. The
 triglycerides or other components of oils that can be vaporized at 400ºC or less, without prior derivatization. Presented here is the   FPD-2030 flame photometric detector, which is installed in the Nexis GC-2030 gas chromatograph, has the world's highest level of
 analyses of a few vegetable oils by capillary GC. The analytical conditions are shown in Table 1.  sensitivity* thanks to the optimized nozzle shape and the advanced dual focus system.
            In the analysis of pesticides in foods, this detector provides high sensitivity and high stability. Introduced below is an analysis of
 Analytical Conditions  organophosphorus pesticides using the Nexis GC-2030 gas chromatograph.
 Instrument   :Nexis GC-2030
 Column   :Rtx-65TG (30 m × 0.25 mm I.D., 0.1 µm)
 Carrier gas   :Helium, 99.9995% purity
 Linear velocity   :40 cm/s (constant linear velocity)
 Injection temperature   :365ºC  Analytical Conditions
 Injection method   :Split (split ratio, 40)  Instrument   :Nexis GC-2030
 Column temperature   :50ºC (0.5 min) -50ºC/min -350ºC (0 min) -1ºC/min -365ºC (5 min)  Detector   :FPD-2030 (P-mode)
 Detector  :FID  Column       :SH-Rtx-1701 (30 m × 0.25 mm I.D., 0.25 µm)
 Detector temperature   :365ºC  Carrier gas   :Helium, 99.9995% purity
            Injection volume   :2 µL
            Injection temperature   :260ºC
            Injection mode    :High Pressure Splitless (300 kPa, 1 min)
            Linear velocity   :46.8 cm/s (constant linear velocity)
            Column temperature   :60ºC (1 min) -20ºC/min -180ºC (0 min) -5ºC/min -200ºC (10 min)-7ºC/min -280ºC (5 min)
            Detector temperature   :300ºC

                                                         S/N                     S/N
                                          1: Ethoprophos   : 42   12: MEP (Fenitrothion)   : 17
                                          2: Phorate    : 39    13: Isofenphos   : 15
                                          3: Thiometon   : 42   14: PAP (Phenthoate)   : 16
                                          4: Terbufos   : 30    15: Prothiofos   : 18
                                          5: Etrimfos   : 33    16: DMTP (Mathidathion)  : 21
 Chromatogram of Vegetable Oil
                                          6: ECP (Dichlofenthion)  : 24   17: Butamifos   : 19
                                          7: Dimethoate   : 26   18: Sulprofos   : 25
                                          8: Tolclofos-methyl   : 23   19: Fensulfothion   : 25
                                          9: Chlorpyrifos   : 16   20: EPN      : 25
                                          10: Formothion   : 5    21: PMP (Phosmet)   : 22
                                          11: MPP (Fenthion)   : 18   22: Pyraclofos   : 15

                                      Chromatogram of Low-Concentration (5 µg/L) Organophosphorus Pesticides

 Reference: Application News AD-0009-GC–Analysis of vegetable oils using gas chromatography  Reference: Application News No. G294 Analysis of Organophosphorus Pesticides Using Nexis GC-2030

                                          Solutions for Palm Oil Analysis Application Notebook
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