Page 13 - Food&Beverages Solution Palm Oil
P. 13

Inductive Couple Plasma Spectrometer (ICP)  Gas Chromatograph (GC)

 Palm oil, corn oil and other vegetable oils can be used to produce biodiesel. As biodiesels grow in popularity and prevalence, so does the need for   Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME)
 quality control during their production. Specifically, there are regulations governing maximum content of metals, such as Na, Ca, K, Mg, S and P.
            Vegetable oils typically contain many unsaturated fatty acids, which have relatively low melting points, and are liquids at ambient
 The example below demonstrates the ability of ICP emission spectroscopy to determine the concentrations of elements of interest. The technique   temperature. When products like margarine and shortening are manufactured, hydrogen is added to the unsaturated fatty acids,
 of analysis used is standard addition and the results for the analysis are presented in the table below.  converting them to the corresponding saturated fatty acids. This process results in products that are solids at ambient temperature.
            However, some of the unsaturated fatty acid isomers are not completely saturated in this process, and residual trans-unsaturated fats
            (triglycerides of trans unsaturated fatty acids) remain in the hydrogenated product; these trans-unsaturated fats are associated with
 Analytical Conditions  adverse health effects. For this reason, analysis of fatty acid isomer compositions has become important. Separation of the isomers of
 Instrument   :ICPE-9000   Carrier gas   :0.8 (L/min)  fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) , and specifically the cis and trans-isomers, is conducted by gas chromatography.
 Radio frequency power :1.4 (kW)   Sample introduction :Coaxial nebulizer
 Plasma gas   :20.0 (L/min)   Sample chamber   :Scott type
 Auxiliary gas   :1.40 (L/min)   Plasma torch   :Organic torch  Analytical Conditions
       View method   :Radial observation  Instrument   :Nexis GC-2030
            Column            :Rtx-2330 (60 m × 0.25 mm I.D., 0.20 µm)
            Carrier gas       :Helium, 99.9995% purity
            Linear velocity   :25 cm/s (constant linear velocity)
 Results for Elemental Determination in Oil
            Injection temperature   :250ºC
            Injection method   :Split (split ratio, 25)
            Column temperature   :130ºC (0 min) -5ºC/min -230ºC

 Shimadzu Inductive Couple Plasma Spectrometer Product Lineup

 Model  Features
                                          37 Mixtures of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAMEs) Chromatogram
 · Photometric system highly suitable for wide variety of samples
 · Three features reduce gas consumption by half (Eco mode reduces argon gas consumption, Mini torch,
   Vacuum Spectrometer-No purge gas required)
 · Leading-edge CCD detector with one million pixels capable of simultaneous recording of all wavelengths
 · “Development Assistant” simplifies the process of developing analytical methods.
 · “Diagnosis Assistant” automatically diagnoses spectral interference.
 ICPE-9800 Series

 · Newly-developed collision cell enables analysis at an excellent sensitivity with the minimum spectral
 · Three features reduce gas consumption by half (Eco mode reduces argon gas consumption, Mini torch,
   Vacuum Spectrometer-No purge gas required)
 · Environmentally-friendly mini-torch plasma unit, developed by Shimadzu, minimizes the energy (electricity)
   consumed in producing and maintaining an argon plasma.
 ICPMS-2030  · “Development Assistant” simplifies the process of developing analytical methods.
 · “Diagnosis Assistant” automatically diagnoses spectral interference.
 Reference: Application News SSI01-ICP Analysis of Corn Oil  Reference: Shimadzu Application News No. G252: Analysis of 37 FAMEs using 6 Types of Capillary Columns

                                          Solutions for Palm Oil Analysis Application Notebook
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