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Reducing Weight

 Improving Simulation Accuracy Rate of High-Tensile Steel Sheet Press   Verification and Validation of Simulation Results for Uniaxial Tensile
 Forming Simulations that Consider the Bauschinger Effect  Testing of Composite Materials

 High-tensile sheet steel has attracted attention as one way to improve fuel efficiency by enabling lighter weight transport equipment using   Carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRPs) and other composite materials have started being used to reduce weight in an effort to reduce the
 thinner materials. Shape defects tend to occur after press forming high-tensile sheet steel, which can cause problems by requiring large amounts   environmental impact of automobiles and other transport equipment. Unlike metal materials, the internal complexity of composite materials is
 of time and money to create the press dies. In recent years, advancements in computer-aided engineering (CAE) analysis technology have   known to result in complex failure behavior that depends on the direction of the primary stress axis, which makes it difficult to establish accurate
 improved the accuracy of predicting springback, a phenomenon that can cause shape defects. CAE analysis is also used to create dies for press   strength design models. Computer-aided engineering (CAE) analysis is widely used for structural simulation during design and development of
 forming and could potentially achieve shorter development times and significant cost savings.  transportation equipment. Increasing the accuracy of CAE analysis is expected to improve the efficiency, and lower the cost of development and
 In this example, material properties data obtained from uniaxial tensile tests and in-plane reverse loading tests performed with a Shimadzu   is also expected to improve the reliability of complex or large structural members that are difficult to evaluate by actual measurements.
 Autograph precision universal testing machine was used to successfully improve the accuracy of simulating press forming of automobile parts   To confirm the reliability of results obtained from CAE analysis, it is considered important to verify and validate (V&V) the results by comparing
 (actual panels) with complex shapes.  them to actual measurements performed under the same conditions as the CAE analysis model. It is also becoming a general requirement of
 Initial deformation
            society that products be designed based on both CAE analysis and actual measurements. This example describes verification and validation (V&V)
 Elasticity line
 Press Forming Steel Plates and Springback  Bauschinger Effect
 Offset line  of results from CAE analysis and actual measurement of a woven thermoplastic CFRP material.
 If an initial load causes plastic deformation
 Compression  False -Spring Back-
 in a metal material, and then a load is   σYA  Y A
 applied in the opposite direction, the   Stress (MPa)
 Upper Die  Includes error  absolute value of the compressive yield   Identification of the Material Constant and Verification of   Evaluation of Strain Distribution within Microscopic Areas
 stress σYB will be smaller than the   the Analysis Model
 absolute yield stress σYA applied during
 Steel Plate  Ideal Shape  initial loading. That property is referred to   Strain (%)
 as the Bauschinger effect. By creating a   σYB  Y B                                     AGX-V Series
 Lower Die  No error  material model based on that property, the                         Precision Universal Testing
 springback phenomenon of steel plates can   Sample                                      Machine
 be predicted with high accuracy.  Elasticity line during
 Offset line
 Creating a Model of
 the Actual Panel  Simulation Accuracy Rate (%) = NP/18 × 100                            TRViewX (Customized)
 NP: Number of points on actual panel within ±0.5 mm error  inspeXio SMX-225CT HR Plus   Non-Contact Elongation and
                                  Microfocus X-Ray CT System                             Width Sensor
 *Simulation Accuracy Rate: Percent of points where the perpendicular distance between the actual panel and simulation results is within ±0.5 mm.
 Acquisition of Measurement Data (Uniaxial Tensile Test and In-Plane Reversed Stress-Strain Characteristics Data)
                            Sending Structural Data
                                                                 Applicable area      Overview of Analysis Model
             Identifying Shape Parameters for
                 Microscopic Structures   Creating a Fabric Model
 SSG Clip-On      by Image Processing
 SIE-560SA   TRViewX
 Automatic   Non-Contact Elongation
 Extensometer  and Width Sensor
 General-purpose default  AGX-V Series   Strain Gauge Type               Shape of
 characteristics data used  Precision Universal Testing Machine  Width Sensor  Jig for Evaluating Bauschinger Effect  rectangular model  Model of center area of sample
                                                                     (1/4 symmetric model)  (Red: Laterally-oriented fiber bundles;
 Actual Panel  CAE Analysis Results                                                 Blue: Longitudinally-oriented fiber bundles)
                   Simpleware®          ANSYS® & Multiscale.Sim®
 Front side  Front side                                      Sample shape actually
                    Model 1                  Model 2         measured
               (Using default structural data)  (Using X-ray CT measurement data)
                                                                    DIC Analysis              ε
                                                                    Results                     xx
 Actual panel   Blue  Pass
 Default values  Red  Fail  Model 1  Model 2            Just before failure
            Model that represents fiber   Rigorous model using structural
 Actual Panel  CAE Analysis Results  Back side  Back side  undulations as ideal sine curves  data obtained by X-ray CT  Actual measurements
 Front side  Front side
                                                              Model 2                         ε
 Actual panel   Blue  Pass                                    Model 1           Zooming Analysis (CAE Analysis) Results  yy  DIC Analysis (Actual Measurement) Results
 Default values  Red  Fail
 Back side  Back side
 Perpendicular distances between actual panel and simulation results   ε yy
 Perpendicular distance between actual   improved significantly, with the simulation accuracy rate increasing to 61 %.  Homogenized Analysis   Homogenized Analysis   Uniaxial Tensile Tests  ε xy
 panel and simulation results is large.            (Model 1)   (Model 2)  (Actual Measurements)
 28 % simulation accuracy rate is low.  Performing Virtual Materials Testing  Longitudinal  Consistency  Longitudinal  Consistency
                                                      with Actual
                                                                 with Actual
                                                Elasticity  Measurements  Elasticity  Measurements  Longitudinal Elasticity
                                                 (GPa)  (%)  (GPa)  (%)
 · Enables press forming simulation that considers the Bauschinger effect.  ANSYS® & Multiscale.Sim®  32.56  58.7  51.75  93.3  55.46  Both analysis and actual measurement results were
                                                                                consistent in showing alternating low and high strain areas
 · The Bauschinger  effect can be evaluated in steel plate materials using a general-purpose precision universal testing   that correlated to the fiber spacing in fiber bundles.
 machine, rather than a dedicated system.  · Structural data from CFRP woven materials can be used to create a CAE analysis model.  The indicated data was obtained jointly by Shimadzu
                                                                                Corporation and Cybernet Systems Co., Ltd. from uniaxial
 · Enables offering testing systems that can measure tensile elasticity, r-values, n-values, and plastic strain dependence of   · Reasonableness of material constant can be evaluated.  tensile simulation of a composite material.
                                                                                Shimadzu obtained mechanical property values and internal
 elasticity, for example.  · Reasonableness of various component strains within microscopic areas can be evaluated.  structural data and Cybernet Systems performed the CAE
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