Page 16 - Shimadzu Journal vol.10 Issue1
P. 16

Materials Science

            In this study, three different valence manganese oxides (MnO s),
            MnO (II), Mn O  (III), and MnO  (IV), and two different valence
                      2  3         2
            lithium  manganese oxides (LiMnO s), LiMn O  (III, IV) and
                                      x      2  4
            Li MnO  (IV), were prepared for use in the valence identification
              2   3
            of Mn in LIB cathode materials. CoO (II) and NiO (II) as well as
            LiCoO  (III) and LiNiO  (III) were prepared for use in the valence
                 2           2
            identification of Co and Ni in LIB cathode materials. The use of
            CoO and NiO was unavoidable because divalent Li oxides of Co
            and Ni could not be obtained.
            Ten pieces of LiNi Co Mn O  (NCM523)-based LIB cells were
                         0.5  0.2  0.3  2
            prepared  to  compare  five  different  charge/discharge  states  and
            to confirm reproducibility with two cells in each case. Each cell   Figure 4. Valence changes of Mn, Co, and Ni in the NCM523 LIB cathode
            consisted of a cathode, a Li foil anode, a 1 M LiPF  electrolyte   during charging and discharging. Each charge state is expressed as
                                                 6             SOC-# (#% state of charge), and each discharge state is expressed as
            dissolved in 1:1 (vol %) ethylene carbonate/diethyl carbonate sol-  DOD-# (#% depth of discharge). The length of each error bar equals one stand-
            vent, and a microporous separator. The cathode was a 50 μm thick   ard deviation for five measurements.* 4
            mixture of 90 wt % LiNi Co Mn O , 5 wt % acetylene black
                              0.5  0.2  0.3  2                 *4 Reproduced with permission from [Sato 2020] *Copyright 2020 American
            conductive material, and 5 wt % poly(vinylidene difluoride) binder.   Chemical Society.   For more information
            In the second cycle, after the first activation cycle, the procedure
            was paused for both cells in different half-steps of charge/discharge
            states at a current rate of 0.1 C (10 h of charging and discharging at
            303 K, cutoff voltage ranging from 3.0 to 4.2 V). Each charge state
            is expressed as SOC-# (#% state of charge), and each discharge      Conclusions
            state is expressed as DOD-# (#% depth of discharge). Then, each
            cell was disassembled, washed, and sealed with a water-vapor bar-  With a capability of observing energies of X-ray fluorescent peaks
            rier transparent film to prepare each LIB cathode specimen.   with  high  precision,  the  PS-WDXRF  spectrometer  can  be  em-
                                                               ployed to measure the valence changes of Mn, Co and Ni which
            Results and discussion                             comprise the cathode material of LIBs.
            The valence  changes of Mn, Co, and Ni during charging and    To confirm its ability, NCM523-based LIB cathodes were ana-
            discharging are shown in Figure 4. The length of each error bar   lyzed, and we found that the valence changes of the 3d transition
            equals one standard deviation for five measurements. The results   metals  in  NCM523  during  charging  and  discharging  were  0.68
            for  Mn  obtained  using  Kβ′/Kβ   are  also  shown  in  thick  green   (from 2.90 to 3.58) for Ni, 0.19 (from 3.00 to 3.19) for Co, and no
            in Figure 4. The valence changes of Ni and Co in the NCM523    change from approximately 4.4 or 4.0 for Mn. These results indicate
            LIB cathode are 0.68 (from 2.90 to 3.58) and 0.19 (from 3.00 to   that Ni contributes the most to the redox process in NCM523-based
            3.19), respectively. The valence of Mn remains approximately 4.4   LIB, Co contributes slightly, and Mn does not contribute. Therefore,
            or 4.0 and hardly changes. Consequently, the composition of Li is   increasing the Ni content instead of the Co content improves energy
            estimated to change between 0.63 and 0.25 (or 0.75 and 0.37 if the   density and reduces cost. The results were obtained simultaneously
            valence of Mn is 4.0) during charging and discharging at cutoff   in a short time in the laboratory. Thus, PS-WDXRF is expected to
            voltage ranging from 3.0 to 4.2 V. Thus, Mn does not contribute   be a useful tool for the development of LIB cathode materials.
            to the redox process, and the contribution of Co is small. In con-
            trast, Ni contributes the most to the redox mechanism. These results
            indicate that increasing the Ni content instead of the Co content in
            LIB cathodes improves energy density and reduces cost. Although
            the  absolute  value  of the  valence  is ambiguous  because  of the
            difference depending on the reference material  and the way of
            referring to the X-ray fluorescent spectrum, it is certain that the
            valence change can be accurately measured.

                                                                                                Shimadzu Journal  vol.10  Issue1 15
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